Monday, July 20, 2009

In Limbo…

Ideally, after the weekend, I would love to show you some progress of Just a Girl.  Unfortunately, I’m just a girl who isn’t getting anything done.  Well, nothing to post about anyway.  Wanna see a beautiful stack of folded laundry? Probably not.

I’m almost done with so many things, but now I wait.  Until it all comes together, here are a couple of things I’m waiting for my mailman to bring me…

il_430xN_80084848I ordered this fabric bundle from pinkpandafabrics at Etsy.  If you know you’re going to have some smaller fabric projects, but you want some variation in your material, THIS is the way to go.  I got 6 different patterns, but they come in 18 x 22 squares.  PERFECT for some throw pillows, right?


I’m also waiting on my new calendar to arrive.  Sayitwithstyle  from Etsy is the only place I could find this.  No complaints though!  It’s perfect! You know that mudroom that I said isn’t quite done?  Well, it will be when this comes in.  Can’t wait.

Lastly, this is taking up my time. Kathryn and Melissa over at Nannygoat have got me all excited over this new menu planning idea, and it involves these…

DSC_5932 and this…DSC_5800 And yes.  I am just shallow enough and quite honest enough to tell you that the #1 reason I’m using it is because it’s so darn cute.  #2, of course, is because of convenience.


  1. I will love to see your completed projects. I have found a new love and that is ETSY! those fabric patterns are darling! I have a glass dry eraser board that I just adore! Yours looks real cute!

  2. Love the fabric, very cute! I hope you show us your recipe book. If I could cook more than eggs and mac & cheese, I'd make one too.

  3. Can't wait to see what your going to do with the cute fabric! I so understand being in limbo...mine for other reasons though. I want to know more on the recipes and yes it is very cute!!

    Hugs to you,

  4. I love that fabric! Can't wait to see what you do with it!
    ~Amy @ The Lemon Cottage

  5. Acckkkk...I LOVE the menu binder. Maybe if I had a cute one like that I would actually cook...maybe! I'm off to check out that link.


  6. The menu planning idea looks like so much fun ...

  7. Can't wait to see the finished products!
    Love those fabrics, very cute! :)

  8. are so organized I feel like a slug.

    Slinking away (or whatever it is that slugs do...)

  9. I started working on that menu thing, but gave up. Love your fabric, too cute.

  10. Cute fabric! That calendar looks like a great idea! I do love Etsy...I go window shopping there nearly every day. ;)

  11. I love that calendar, so neat. The recipe book is too cute. I have sooo many recipes that I haven't tried, I keep colllecting them but still cooking mostly the same things.

  12. Crafting is supposed to be fun. So don't feel pressured to do Just enjoy yourself, but I would love to see the end result.

  13. LOVE LOVE LOVE THE FABRIC. What's up with the menu planning thingy? Is it a system that you make youself? I NEED that kind of help.

  14. Don't you wonder if you would ever get a project done if it weren't for your blog? Sometimes the only thing that gets me to the finish point is knowing that I can take photos to post...but I still have plenty of half-finished stuff lying around!

  15. Organization is such a wonderful feeling.

    I've been feeling pretty lack luster with getting stuff done lately too. Been too long since I've had a project. I better get on that.

  16. Love the colours and variety of your fabric fat quarters.

  17. I love the fabrics….great colors. I need to check out that esty site!

  18. Love the menu planning idea! Can I just get all your recipes now LOL! I need all the help I can get in the kitchen!

  19. Those are very cute stuff you got. Not a fan of the pink fabric though. Just because I don't like the color. :D I'd like to have that cook book, please! Haha!


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