Well, hello. My husband and I went away to a wedding this weekend. I literally danced until my feet hurt. I don't know if "hurt" is a good word for the pain I felt. I actually took off my shoes and walked through parking lots. I figured stepping on a piece of glass couldn't be any more painful than what I was already feeling! :)
Here's the good news. On the way home from the wedding (4 hours away--eeks), I told him my plans for the mudroom. What I didn't tell you, my little blog friends, is that my plans now involve custom lockers where our otherwise BORING boot bench is now. Can't you just imagine?

I have a problem with usually knowing exactly what I want. I know the specific look that I want, and it's really quite difficult to find it without drawing it out. The above set is my favorite, but I want really big, black hooks, and I want the drawers to pull out like the lockers below. Love that stained seat, too!

This one's pretty close to perfect, but again...I want drawers on the bottom. Oh, and BIGGER hooks! And I want it taller!! Okay, not so perfect, I guess.

I actually think this one is just too cutesy, but I did think it was neat how the owner has an additional space to decorate in the above cubbies. Hmmm...

And this one? You're thinking, "There aren't even any lockers!". I know, but I think it's really nice. I just love the colors she used. Those cabinets are actually from Ikea, and she painted/tweaked them a bit to blend into the decor of the room. Huh. Who knew?

After the little dream show, I should continue to tell you that when I ran this concept by my husband he said, "Well, I like the idea of the custom lockers, but I don't like the idea of spending the money for them". He said YES!!! Okay, well maybe not yes. He did, however, NOT say no. Don't you love how I can spin that? It's an art form.
So there you go. A post about a husband who didn't say no. And a post about a wife who took that as a yes. Either way, the room will be painted. That's a start. I'm off to bed, because this contributing citizen has JURY DUTY tomorrow. I get sick to my stomach everytime I think about it. I've never gone. I'll let you know what big murder trial I'm sitting in on. ;)
Hmmm, I love it. When he doesn't say no, he means yes. I'm going to use this to my hearts content. Thank you, thank you!
I wish I had room for lockers. Perfect for shoes, backpacks and individuals' junk. So I could separate the junk individually. You know what I mean...right?
Chris-I too have a dream mudroom. Someday:) I'll try to find some pics I have saved. Love how the not saying no is "yes." I do the same!
Love it...ALL of it. And I'll take one in each color too!
No actually it'll be easy for you...you already have the bones, no?
Go for it...He said a resounding YES!
I lvoe all your inspiration pics. You lucky girl u. cherry
My husband once told me that if I did not want to hear no, just quit asking. So now I don't ask. I just assume he agrees with me.
I love all of it. :o) After your last post I was dreaming of mudrooms. I have my entire garage recongifured in my head to incorporate a mud room/laundry room now. Yeah, it will never happen but I WANT it!I even went so far as to tell my husband. My husband never, ever says no. He's lucky I don't usually come up with crazy ideas!! (like converting the garage into a giant mud room/laundry room...hee hee)
I love your mudroom ideas! I stumbled upon your blog this weekend and have really enjoyed it. :)
Can't wait to see , I will make one in my basement laundry area , can't find space above ground for one , I am with you lockers , I love the first picture.
Congrats on your big win.
I love them all. I want to do something similar in our mud room but since I'm not into shoplifting, it will have to wait. Your post cracked me up about "didn't say no".
Please google "The Bagpipe Who Didn't Say No" when you have a minute and click on the top link. It's an old Shel Silverstein poem that I've always loved and it really reminds me of your story about your husband.
I hope you like it! (if you don't already know it that is...)
Hi Chris,
Hope your jury duty goes okay...maybe they won't pick you. LOL
I'm sure you have lots of other stuff you would rather do!
I think individual lockers would be awesome if you have the space.
How exciting!!! I love all of the idea pics and your will be fabulous whatever way it turns out!!! Have fun.
Chris..I love the locker room idea. My sister in law has one and my only suggestion is to make sure the lockers have doors on them because it gets really bogged down with all of the kids stuff. The big drawers at the bottom are the way to go as well! I have a another friend and she did it all that way and hers stays nice and neat all the time. My sister in-laws is always packed to the brim.
Oh and on the pesto sauce....you can use it on barbequed chicken or pork as a sauce. The pesto does not have to be used soley for pasta. Or use it as a dipping sauce for some delicious french bread. It is some good stuff!
Wow, I love those ideas. The beadboard is so cute and the large black hooks...so cute! Congrats on getting "yes" (or at least a non-No)! And thank you for stopping by my site and being my very first commenter! I was so excited and giddy to read your sweet comments! This blogging thing is fun! :)
Wow! Great inspirations pictures. I wish I had a space for a mud room. Guess they don't think we need 'em here in Cali. Can't wait to see what you end up doing with yours!
I love all of those photos you showed....I just wish I had an entry way that could use anything like that....ours is tiny :( And, oh yea if they don't say no...definitely YES!!
Hopefully, your jury duty is fine. I have been on jury duty twice in my whole life with the latest this past January and it was for a murder trial with the possibility of a death sentence....eek. He ended up with a life sentence without the possibility of parole. Interesting to say the least.
Those pictures are drool worthy. Our little 50's house doesn't have a mudroom or a front room closet. I am beside myself trying to figure out where to put all these coats and shoes and junk oh my!
"A post about a husband that didn't say no." Too funny!
Not saying no of course means yes. Every smart wife knows THAT! Fun fun, now the planning begins! Good luck with the jury duty. I've never been summoned either. I know I would hate it. You just know at a courthouse there is going to be some smelly dude eating a tuna sandwich from the vending machine sitting right.next.to.YOU! Like I said, good luck with that!
oh, I have wanted lockers for years, but with all the kiddoes and football gear, it just never quite worked. Can't wait to live vicariously through you.:)
Glad he said yes... well, ok.. Im glad he didnt say no. So I guess that means it's a GO! Good for you!
I, too, love those lockers. I just don't have a place for them.
Oh, Jury Duty. I find that fun! :) And YAY for husband not saying no! That's always a yes in my book! Very cute ideas, can't wait to see the finished product!
Love those mud rooms! ... I think that means... yes! ;) Jen R
I just finished our mudroom. I used black for the cabinets, pictures and shelves and yellow paint on the wall. I read somehwere that using a bright color in the entryway ensures a happy start to the day. Working here so far. You'll find quite a bit of furniture on sale now to make room for 2009. Run!
Ha your conversation with your husband sounds a lot like mine usually does..except he would say "Sounds nice...but it looks just fine the way it is...?" ...however..he knows I am still going to do it with his help or not ha ;)
All of the inspiration pics are great, I would have a hard time choosing. I can't wait to see what you do.
We enclosed a breezeway to create a mudroom and I had custom cubbies built. They are always a mess but totally wonderful. We had 5 units built and he assembled and connected them on site. They have a drawer on the bottom, a main compartment with 2 big hooks, a small shelf above (carpenter's idea & so handy) and cabinet above. I was always going for the white and beachy look. The rest of my house isn't beachy! We ended up painting them a dark green color by Benjamin Moore called Army Green. A lifesaver. White would have been a mess in 20 seconds right after the first cleat was thrown in! I would be happy to send a photo when I get home. If you are interested leave a comment.
Good Luck!
wow what nice pictures. love your ideas. I think where the hooks go to have doors too. Neater looking. Although, it is a mud room! I liked the lady who had bought ikea stuff.
You sound a lot like my husband and I. I have a similar vision for my mudroom area. I can't wait to see what you do, and especially what it costs, because my dh won't go for it until he sees the $$. But your dh not saying "no" is encouraging. If you wait long enough, he will think it was his idea.
Found your blog while searching for mud room lockers. Did you ever finish the project???? Just curious! Enjoyed your post. ;)
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