While my mother-in-law and I decorate very differently, we can appreciate each other's tastes. She tends to like cooler contemporary colors--blues, grays, blacks...while I'm all about the earth tones.
If you ever want to find me at their house, I'll be here. I seek out the nearest fireplace at any house and sit in front of it--all night. Just me and gigantosaurus Santa.
Her dining room is quite lovely, but the picture of the vinyl table cloth and my niece doing the high karate kick just don't do it justice. Again...mental note to take another picture of this someday.
That was just a preview. She's got lots more that I can show--and will show--after the holidays. Until then, I'll leave you with my little one. She fell asleep in Grandma and Grandpa's bed with her new doll clothes on her doll. Stops me in my tracks, that one...
Just found your blog a few days ago and I loved it. Love the bottles. Collect them myself. The picture of your baby is GORGEOUS! Worthy of a frame
That is a crazy big Santa!! How does she store that guy? I'll bet it's a little scary in her attic in the off season! :)
I enjoyed seeing your MIL's holiday decorations. I love her dining room. My MIL and I have completely different taste too. Her house is way too cluttery for me!
Adorable picture of your sleeping beauty!
Love the picture of Olivia and her baby! Even baby dolls need precious beauty sleep:)
I love the bottles! Gorgeous!
I think it is so cute that your daughter's doll has an sleep mask on. LOL.
I love how you and your MIL are different - but appreciate one another's taste. She is lucky to have such a kind hearted DIL. I love the blue.
unDeniably Domestic
My MIL and I are very different as well, but different tastes make the world go round! Your MIL has a beautiful home, and that Santa is HUGE!! Love the pic of your little girl and her doll. That sleeping mask is a hoot!
wow! I am an earthtone girl myself but her home is just gorgeous! Thank you for sharing!
And the dollie has a sleep mask on??? How cute is that? (Psst...I like your house the best. Ok, you can delete my comment when you're done reading it.)
Awww, she's so cute.
Okay, so that gargantuan Santa. I saw one just like that one hour ago at Home Goods.
1) It was $900.
2) HOLY nightmares!!!
But her house is very cute.
She is so cute..! Beautiful Christmas tree.
Love the last pic! Your mil has a great style! I can't imagine my mil decorating so contemporary! :) It looks great!
I love the sleeping pic of your precious litle one!
I loooove the little sleep mask on the doll.. so adorable!!! and everything in your MIL's house is adorable!!!! Thank you!!
If I saw that Santa in the middle of the night when I was getting a bottle for LuLu I would...well, you know. It would NOT be pretty. I love that picture of your baby with her baby (the sleep mask!) Olivia is so precious.
My MIL would serve us from fancy dishes and plates and then take everything back to CostCo the next day. Sort of like what she did on our wedding with her camera. And their swimming pool. And their...(you get the picture)
Very pretty, I am like you...I love the earth tones too!
What a sweet picture of your little girl. I love that her doll is wearing an eye mask!
Holy big Santa! Love the little girl and her baby sleeping :)
What a beautiful home. I just love the last picture :)
MIL's decorations are lovely but I have to say, that giant Santa freaks me out just a little bit.
Your decorations are definitely more my style but I do appreciate your MILs style as well, it's nice to see the unusual Christmas colors. I love that.
Your daughter is beautiful and the mask on her dolly is so cute! I wonder if I look that cute when I sleep with my sleeping mask? Somehow I doubt it.
Happy Holidays!
Loved the house tour, but the last photo was the clincher!!! So , So, precious!
Well. Ya gme big time at the sleeping cherub with the eye darkners on her doll!! Swooon.
I can't get past the sleep mask on your little one's doll!!! That's just too precious!
wow! i've never seen a santa that large. i bet the grandkids love him. her tree is beautiful.
Look at that little sleep mask on that doll! So cute!
What a sweet photo! I love your mil's blue decor. Merry, Merry Christmas to you!!
Awww, I love your little girl with her baby doll.
Thanks for sharing the pics of your mil's house. I love that giant Santa.
The Santa, not my favorite, otherwise, pretty. Thank you for sharing. Merry Christmas
That pic of your daughter makes me wish I had a lil girl! LOL So adorable!
Your MIL Christmas decorations are very nice. I like the bottles on top of the tv. The green whimzy one. The best for sure is Olivia and her baby doll with the sleeping mask on. What will she do next? How adorable.
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