I just hate being blog-abandoned, and I did that to you. I forgot to tell you that we went out of town for the weekend. Oops. We're back. My in-laws are on their way, and we're going to my son's Christmas concert tonight--in a snow storm.

However, I've gotten some e-mails from people asking me what the actual activities were for the advent calendar I made. So tonight I have an update for you. The second night was "build a fort and have dinner in it".

- Play a board game together
- Build a fort and have dinner in it
- Cut out paper snowflakes
- Color a special picture for someone
- Make popcorn and watch a Christmas movie
- Find a special treat
- Special treat: Hot cocoa and marshmallows
- Make a Christmas craft
- Breakfast for dinner
- Find a special present and open it
- Make a card for someone and mail it
- Go to dollar store and shop for family
- Go out to a movie
- Decorate a gingerbread house
- Kids make dinner for Mom and Dad
- Go see Santa Claus
- Make a pinecone bird feeder
- Make a Christmas craft
- Find a special present and open it
- Go bowling
- Bake Christmas cookies
- Go downtown and look at lights
- Popcorn and movie night
I didn't do 24 and 25 because we'll be out of town with family. We actually celebrate on Christmas Eve with part of the family, so there's no need for the countdown--I don't think.
Okay..I'm off. Come back tomorrow. I FINALLY have my "Nester" garland ready to show. See you then!
That last picture is awesome!!! :)
Cool post, love the static hair.
Phew! I was wondering about your MIA
I love that! You're such a fun mom.
I'd like to do everything on that list :), awesome ideas.
Glad you listed the countdown of things to do. They all sound like a lot of fun. How fun the dinner under a tent looked. That hairdooooo...Olivia...HOW FUNNY.........and Maximus those sad eyes. Have Jackson give the poor dog a bone.
How fun:) Love the static pictures and those pathetic puppy eyes!
Love those photos! Those are fantastic activity ideas. :)
Thanks for sharing!
Man, I LOVE that last photo!!! Frame it!
Chris, those are great family things. Love the dinner in the fort. You are such great inspiration.
What a wonderful list..I will be checking back with that one!
-sandy toes
What a fantastic memory you gave your kiddos with that 'sgetti meal hun!
Love your list. They are all wonderful things to do as the holiday approaches.
Can't wait to see your garland!!!
Merry December, Les
Aww, what a fun post. I'm glad you posted your ideas!
Your list sounds like so much fun!
I might have to make an advent calendar myself. I won't start it until the boys get out of school on Christmas break. We stay so busy around here with basket ball and the Academic team. It would just be easier to do the activities on break.
Great pics btw. The static cling hair cracked me up.
Very fun ideas. I love your pictures.
oh. i love this idea. thanks for sharing!
I love the photos...your girls hair cracked me up! I think our dogs are related. cherry
Such a great (another great) idea! I'm glad I was not the only one away for a bit, except I didn't get to go anywhere. :( I also love the kid's tree. I'm thinking of getting one for all of my kids ornaments & I'm loving your white one. Very cool!
Thank you for sharing your list! I love the pictures - what great fun. With our recent move, I will not have time to create an advent for this year, so I have hidden notes around the house in drawers and boxes - each advent message also includes a clue to the location of the next. This brings a little humor to our situation. Keeping everyone cheery during hard times makes me feel good.
unDeniably Domestic
Love those ideas! Cute pics!
You think you get off the hook for leaving just because you post a list? If you went somewhere, where's my souvenir? I went somewhere yesterday, to Wal-Mart. I *almost* brought you home a pair of argyle socks. See how thoughtful I am? Your real present should arrive soon!! I love your dinner under the table/fort idea. My kids would flip over this. Thanks (once again) for the great idea - you are such a cool mom!
Love the static! So funny! Cute ideas!
Great ideas! I like how you had an activity and not a present. Your kids are too cute:-)
I love the fort idea! I bet your kids think you are the best mom ever!
Kris...I love the pics on this post. Your a great mom. I took some of your advent ideas to mix with mine. I can't wait to see your garland!
I love the advent activities, and the static hair. This is such a great idea!
What a fun mom you are! I love your advent idea!
Okay, every picture in this post was beyond adorable...including the one with you in it! : )
Happy holidays.
so fun!!!!!
What a great list of fun family Christmas things to do together! I love your advent idea & all those little boxes looks so cute in that jar/bowl thing!
You are so creative these ideas are so much better than my piece of chocolate I leave in the box for my daughter every day. I think I'll try this next year. Now...if I can only remember it next year!
Thanks for sharing your idea list!
I love the picture of the kids and the dog in the fort! That's so cute!
You remind me of Elf and his holiday to-do list...but you forgot to add SNUGGLE!!
You're a good mamma!!
I LOVE the ideas...so simple and includes everyone! Can't wait to do it next Christmas....or maybe for the month of June...after school's out (but different paper of course!!)
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