Friday, April 3, 2009

I’m Awesome!

Spring Break 2009 is officially here!  And this is how I’m feeling…


No joke.  I’ve been in bed for two days.  However, I did push through one day of garage sale-ing in order to sell this.


My neighbor garage sale guru told me to sell it for $75.00.  So, I did.  Thirty minutes later, I sold it for $60.00.  Let me break this down for you with bullets.  I do well with bullets.

  • Bought the table and four chairs for $50.00
  • Kept two barstools for myself
  • Sold the remaining barstools and table for $60.00
  • Made a profit of two barstools and $10.00!

As my husband walked back from loading the table into the buyer’s car, he gave me a high five and said, “You’re awesome.”

Yes, Dear.  Yes, I am.



LWLH said...


I hope I have the same luck selling a gigantic armoire.

Sarah said...

That is so freakin' awesome!! Nothing like making a profit AND justifying a purchase :)

Diane said...

nice work!!

hope you feel better soon!!

Bethany said...

Oh yeah! Great job!

Anonymous said...

That is so awesome! You got a great deal out of that!

Carry Grace said...

Yes. You. Are. Awesome.

Kelli said...

Way to!

JHalmes said...

You ROCK!!

Freckles Chick said...

Heck yes you're awesome! =) Gotta love a profit.

Hope you recuperate and feel better soon. Don't know how you do it. You teachers are resilient, I tell ya!

(Thx for adding me to your blogroll, girl!)

Rachelle said...

That is AWE-SOME. I hope I have that much luck at my neighborhood garage sale this summer :)

Brittany said...

That's so great about the profit you made on the bar stools!

I'm sorry you're under the weather! I hope it clears up soon so you can enjoy your spring break.

Kristen said...

Too cool Chris - that is some great dealing you had going! I buy a lot of Lauren's clothes on ebay and I am always thrilled when I make a profit back selling them again when she is done - suckas!!! Sorry to hear you are feeling cruddy. I have been all week also. Go put on your cozy jammies, your favorite argyles and snuggle up. Garage sale over, now you can relax!

Katrina said...

Haha...that is very funny. Love your work!!!!

Laurel @ Ducks in a Row said...

You got a high five from your hubby? Sweet!

Anonymous said...

You so totally rock!

Lorie said...

You are both right! You are awesome!

Victoria Hayden said...

I hope you get feeling better fast! Great job on the deal you made! I couldn't help but think of your post about Craigslist the other day. I too just made a great Craigslist! Stop by and see what I found. Have a great Spring Break!


Anonymous said...

I agree!!

Mandy said...

You totally get a high five there! WTG!!

Hope you're feeling better fast!

Stacey @ The Blessed Nest said...

That really is pretty awesome!! Hope you're feeling better soon :)!

Unknown said...

I love the addition of two fuzzy legs!

Jo said...

Fabulous ~ can't beat that one!


Diane said...


Karen at Nittany Inspirations said...

Don't you love it when everything works out like that! Good job.

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

Hope you are feeling better. You did good on that purchase and sale. Amazing!!! You came out smelling like a rose! Have a great weekend. Love & blessings from NC!

Barb said...

That's my girl!! I always knew you were auesome. The great bargin must be making you feel "some" better. So sorry honey you are so sick. Please get well. The sunshine of spring break is awaiting you.
PS. Can you sell my piano? Anyone out there need one. I will post a pic. It is very nice. $500



I FEEL YA! ive been in bed for two days now as well. its terrible. i used an entire box of tissues yesterdays.. ahh. :( get better.

Barb said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Barb said...

PS I cracked up when "craptastic" mentioned Maximus and his two fuzzy feet. He is such a hoot.


Kate said...

You are, in fact, awesome.

Dawn said...

Yes, you are awesome! Good job!

I hope you feel better soon!

Unknown said...

Isn't that the bestest feeling??!! (making a profit and getting a high-five from hubby).

I would have paid $60 for that set! It's exactly what I'm looking for for our sunroom!

I once bought a Step 2 outdoor set at a yardsale for $21. We used it for 3 years, my sister used it for 2 years and then I sold it on Craigslist for $300!! I made a profit of $279 after 5 years of use and my hubster was more than pleased!

Nancy said...

You are hilarious! I always look forward to reading (and seeing) something new from you. I also enjoy seeing your dog popping up here and's kind of like throwing in a little "Where's Waldo?" :) I hope you feel better soon enough to enjoy your spring break. I'm also a teacher, but our spring break doesn't start until Good Friday...can't get here soon enough!

Farmgirl Paints said...

Hope you feel better soon. You rock with garage sale. I'm impressed:)

Mandi @ Sweetly Home said...

I agree.

Junk Mammas said...

That is best! You got a great deal!

Shell in your Pocket said...

Wow...that is wonderful!
sandy toe

Michelle, All Home and Love said...

That is all kinds of awesome! Great job! I hope you feel better soon.

philben5 said...

Great job! I just forwarded a blog award to you...if you choose to accept.

Lacie @ Creative Attempts said...

Ok in my next life I want to be you ha ha. You are fabulous.

Anonymous said...

LOVE IT! That is totally something that I would do!! You go girl!

Joyce said...

Now I call that a total score!

M.L. @ The House of Whimsy said...

I hope you're on the mend. What a great it!!!
And the locker basket below...I'm SO jealous. It's completey awsome.
I've been out of town on a quilt retreat. You'll have to peek in to see our finished projects. : )

SoBella Creations said...

Yay! Great job!

I hope your feeling better.

Jenny said...


Great job!

Jodee said...

You rock! Way to go!

Hope you are feeling better soon!

sandra/tx said...

Chris, you're my hero. Way to go!

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...


Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Hey, Chris, that is certainly awesome! Great deal! I love your new stools. I did exactly the same thing. Bought a small dining table and 5 chairs for $50 at a yardsale. Used the table for my hubby's office desk (perfection!). Sold the 5 chairs on Craigslist for $25 (they were pretty beat up), so his desk was a $25 deal. I didn't make money, but it was a good deal all the same!

Anonymous said...

Now that's the way to shop girlfriend! Get what you want and make some mola while your at it! Hope your better real soon. Ugh..on your spring break. Take care and get some rest..

Jennie said...

love the table and love that you made a profit....oh, and you rock too!!!!

Ashley said...

I'm very impressed. And kudos from the husband, too? Great job! :)

Michelle said...


Anonymous said...

hehe...even better of a bargain than you were probably hoping for!! Good Job!!

Kimba said...

You ARE awesome! I love it!


Willow Decor said...

You are too cool! Can we be friends? I need a new couch and 2new chairs and I only want to make 50 bucks! LOL


Vivienne @ the V Spot said...

Love it, love it.
That's the best feeling to make money while shopping! (Will hopefully make you feel better)

Before Linens-N-Things went under, I snapped up a $500 kitchen island that was on clearance for $60. (Still don't know why; it was perfect) I used it in an entryway for a year, then sold it on craiglist for $275.
Profit = $215...
yay for us!

dongdong said...

way to go! You are awesome! Feel better soon.

Melia said...

Great job!!

Hope you feel better soon!!!

Just say Julie said...

Good job on the garge sale!
It never fails that when you finally get a break from your classroom, you get sick. I think it's cause we finally rest long enough for the germs to catch up :) Hope you're better soon.

Jamie said...

Your hubby is right, you are awesome! That is such a great story, I've been telling everyone. "Guess what my blogger friend did..." and everyone agrees...awesome! Hope you feel better!

Tricia said...

Good job! Always nice to make a profit and get a freebie at the same time.

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

Really nice job on the barstools!

AP Mommy said...

That's so great! You are awesome!

Maureen said...

That is phenomenal!

Mellisa said...

Wow, yep you're awesome (and it sounds like your hubby is awesome for telling you so too!)

Printing Company said...

The title reminds me so much of Barney Stinson. "I'm awesome!" LOL.
Hope you're doing fine now.

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