Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Have You Seen It?

The resolutions are in full effect are JaG’s house, and it looks like blogging material has eluded me.  Yes, everyone, the time has come. I seem to have lost my mojo.

lost mojo

Apparently, filling 2 hours an evening with workouts and going to bed an hour or two early has left me with very little time for blogging material. What am I to do?!

I looked up “juggling mom” on the internet this afternoon, and this is the picture that I found.

vanderkam1 I literally laughed out loud thinking about how this mom “represents” me. I thought I’d make a few observations to help bring it more to scale.


So that’s where I am. Juggling--without a smile on my face and a duster in my mouth--all the directions my life is trying to take me and failing miserably at it. That’s where you come in. Do you work full-time? Do you exercise regularly? Do you actually cook meals for your family? What about cleaning the house? Do you actually do that?

It’s not necessarily that I can’t do it all. I’m just wondering when to do it all.  Do you have a system down that you’d like to share? Or are you feeling the same way and want to shout out a big “Holla!” at me?


AntiqueChase said...

Yes I hear you.... loud and clear...

I posted today and before that it was a November post.

Wow, not sure I feel real good about that! I need a 26 hour day!

Sarah AKA The Thriftress said...

I totally get it! I haven't posted in a while...but I've been exercising! Once I get the kids fed and in bed and exercise I'm pretty much done for the day. I really need to utilize nap time better instead of seeing it as my "lunch hour". Then maybe I could work on a project or clean!

Lisa@Pickles and Cheese said...

Feeling the same way. Your Mojo must be hiding out with my Mojo. It's been missing and I have no clue when it'll be back! Hang in there!

Connie said...

Howdy! I'm new to reading your blog, but I saw this post about the juggling mom and I had to laugh. This year, I have promised to be easier on myself, and you know what? Stuff is not gonna get done.

I do have a full time job, the kind where you end up working a lot of hours. And I have a 3 year old and a construction project and, you know, life, and stuff.

So cleaning? Not happening. Hired a cleaning lady pretty cheaply off craigslist Dry cleaning? Nah, I replaced all my clothes with machine washable stuff over the past few years. Lots of polyester that does not need to be ironed, even! Exercise? I chase the kid and take the stairs at work and maybe slip in some yoga on the TV every week or two.

I do my best to cook dinner for the family, though.

Also, best of luck with your resolution to cut Justin Bieber's hair. And best of luck with the rest of your resolutions. Have a magical 2011 and take it easy on yourself. :)

ann @ my life as prose. said...

i'm not a mom, but i work full time and blog, and i completely understand the dry-spell issue with your mojo! :)

i don't know how those women do it all... i don't work out, and i don't clean as much as i'd like, or cook as much as i'd like. the one thing i do, however, is get a good night's rest. i love me some 8 hours.

anyway, i wish i had that perfect formula or website to link to... just wanted to say that i empathize, and i'm not even balancing the kid thing too :)

Cassie Bustamante said...

i think the boy in the image is most likely playing with his DS, and not paying attention to mom, who is begging him to help her. :)

Rachelle said...

I want to shout out Holla, just because I feel pretty hard core when I say it.

But, really I suck at juggling yes. My kids are lucky if they get peanut butter sandwiches for dinner.. but I mean, PB is protein and all.. ;) And my oldest has a uniform for school so I really only have to wash 5 out fits and I'm good. My youngest can still run around naked and it's considered cute.


Tori Bella said...

You know, I've been reading your blog for a year and a half and I think this is the first time I've ever commented.

I don't have kids yet but I absolutely want to do it all! I work full time, I go to school full time (and I'm trying to find time to study for the LSAT), I make all our meals (this is purely a control thing though because it drives me crazy when my husband spends money on lunch - um, hello we have food).
To get my workouts in, I wake up at four forty five a.m. to hit the gym, shower and get to work on time. That way, I can spend my afternoon trying to be super at everything else. But I understand from what my friends with kids tell me about having kids that it can be hard to actually "go" to the gym in the morning. I remember way back when I was in high school, I would wake up early and workout to VHS tapes. Maybe instead of working out at night, you can wake up a little earlier so you can workout in the morning. I will warn you - you'll be STARVING and exhausted the first few days but eventually my body adjusted. Now I kind of enjoy working out in the morning because I feel like I've accomplished something and it's so much easier to turn down bagels and doughnuts. I say in my head "I have discipline. I woke up uber early and worked out. Saying no to a doughnut is easy compared to the discipline I've already shown this morning." Where as when I worked out after work, I'd always justify cheating as "Well, I'm going to the gym later anyway. I'll just work it off then." Anyway, if you have a Wii or PS3, you ought to invest in one of those workout games (I guess they have Zumba now!). My only thing is though, I refuse to go to sleep after ten. I'm not going to do anything of any quality after that time though, so I force myself to go to sleep because I cannot function without sleep - regardless of how much Diet Pepsi I drink.

And of course, no matter how boring it is, pre-pack lunches and prep as much dinner the night before. It's so boring but it helps.

Anna @ Take the Side Street said...

Ohhh hon I feel ya. I don't work and I still feel like I don't get anything accomplished. I find that I am better about exercise first thing in the morning, and I think it helps me get going and stay "on task" better throughout the day, too. If only I could drag my butt out of bed. :)

As far as blogging, I try to get it done during naptime (or "quiet rest time" as we call it since my 5 year old refuses to nap). That way I can ATTEMPT to tidy the house in the evenings and hang out with my fam.

Having said that, I blog a lot at night, my house is usually messy, and I haven't exercised in weeks. SO. Maybe you shouldn't take my advice ;)

Anonymous said...

I love this post. You're not alone. I don't work full time, I am a mum, and finding more and more my desire to constantly be styling my house, creating, taking photo's, trying to blog when blogger isn't co-operating, (a smart blogger always blames her tools), really has been putting a dent in my time for less important things - AKA cooking, cleaning, etc. Don't feel sorry for me, it's self inflicted. I've managed to do enough to get by but hey, it's summer holidays here, what are they for? Oh, and what's exercise?

Why did I start a blog? Now I'm putting pressure on myself to blog everyday, and lift the quality.

Sometimes I feel a bit guilty, but I know the reality of routine is looming on the horizon. Chris, you are not alone. Anyone who looks like they have it together all the time, are just adept at hiding the stuff slipping through the cracks, or they're in denial, and they never let anyone see inside their cupboards. Something's gotta give. For me, it's going to be the zipper on my jeans, if I'm not careful. Sorry, not meaning to make this all about me, I'm sure you are much much busier than me at the moment. Especially if you're working out day I will again. But I think I take the award for the ultimate time waster. At least you have a good excuse for not doing all you would like. (Note I didn't say should - that's a bad word). I'm thinking I should have justed posted this on my blog. Sorry again.
Lisa x

Jessica @ Decor Adventures said...

Girl rest if you want. Do what your instincts tell you! I work full time and constantly feel like my material is not good enough. But it's getting better and it's good enough for me in between working out, cleaning and everything else.

Show us some projects from the past that you like. I'm kind of new to your blog so I'd be happy to read more about you :-)

Melissa said...

I don't know how you do it. I taught 5th grade before I had kids and I cannot imagine teaching, being a mom, and running a blog. I think you're doing amazing. Just blog when you know we'll all be here. What would Jack Handy say? "Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes"...or maybe: "If you go parachuting, and your parachute doesn't open, and you friends are all watching you fall, I think a funny gag would be to pretend you were swimming" :)

Teresa said...

Sometimes it seems even harder to be motivated and productive at the beginning of the year. Everyone else seems to have crazy organizing and resolution making energy and it can be overwhelming seeing what everyone is accomplishing as I struggle to get the house back to some version of normal after Christmas. Blogland is a wonderful world for inspiration but sometimes it makes me feel like an under achiever.

Hope you get your Mojo back soon. I love reading your posts!

Unknown said...

Hi. I have been enjoying reading your blog. helped me immensely with juggling everything.

Christine said...

I feel you completely! It's been 5 months since my last post. I started a part-time job a few months ago and have two kiddos 6 months and 2 years old.
I count on my retail job for exercise! Laundry...ugh. And my goal is to make dinner at least 3 times a week.

Good luck finding your mojo!

Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...

Ok...I am by NO MEANS a pro. Burt sometimes when I look back at al I do I say " wow,'ve got a lot on your plate!"

Here are a few of my Tips:

I have three jobs right now...that does not count blogging or family.

I wake early (used to be 5) had a great friend who would pick me up at 5:30 to power walk the beach for 3 miles. Lately I have been waking and just doing an excersise routine around 6.

I try and plan meals. New thing: comfort food on monday, italian tues...friday Pizza day. the crock pot is a good friend!

Cleaning. Oy. weekends. sigh. But Flylady (dot com) has some great organizational and cleaning practices.

I happen to wake up often at 4ish...and often blog or do work for an hour...then sleep for an hour then get up. DO NOT recommend this, however.

Most importantly. Just do what you can. None of it is life and death...really. And YOU my much as many of us wonder...are only human!

Anonymous said...

I can relate! Between working my "real" job part time, my design work and juggling kids, a husband and house I get so overwhelmed. I am constantly being pulled in different directions and CRAVE some balance in my life. I am always on the go and exhausted! Guess that's the life of a wife and mom!

Lisa's Creative Home said...

I know exactly how you feel! Its tough being a wife and mother juggling it all. I am in the same boat!

Brittny said...

I am a stay at home mom and I still can't seem to get it all done!!! (Does that help you feel any better?)

I can't exercise (even though I finally decided to start running) because I can't figure out how to do that with two kids (ages 3 and 4 1/2).

My house is never clean because there are train tracks and doll crap all over the floor. I refuse to pick it up every time because then they will never learn to themselves.

I only fix dinner 3-4 times a week because I can't ever figure out what to fix.

I quit blogging for a while because I didn't have time and it took too long to upload photos.

I made a list on Monday of a chore I would do in the house each day to try to stay on top of it. Yeah, it's Wednesday and I just did part of Monday's chore!

It's tough! Hang in there, we will all find a routine one day!

Then something will come along and mess it up so we have to start all over again.

P.S. - if you are ever in FL I want you to come decorate my house. I don't know how to do that and it looks bad. Reeeeeeaaaaaal bad!

Rita said...

I think most of us women relate to this post. Answers? Ha! Not sure there are any!!! Probably most of us feel like the woman in the post, juggling a gillion things at once. And sometimes we all feel blank where the posting is concerned too. I loved this post!

Jenny said...

Love your blog, love this post. I am a working mom and I do exercise. I am fortunate that there is a gym near my office, so I can workout over my lunch hour. It keeps me sane and awake, and I can definitely say it's a win-win for me and my employer. :-)

As for dinner, the crockpot is my friend, and when all else fails, it's "breakfast for dinner". Kids love it, and it's easy on me. Cleaning? I finally hired a cleaning lady a few years back, and it's the BEST thing I've ever done as a working mother. I still clean, but it's nice not feeling like I need to devote a Saturday to do a whole house cleaning!

Unknown said...

No worries if you don't blog on a regular basis, don't stress it! I don't have a full time job and seem to do everything at 50%! You're not alone.

Keep on truckin'....

Ches said...

I totally get where you are coming from. I work full time and am in graduate school. Most of the time my house looks a hot mess, not one room is fully decorated, and I am constantly writing lists of things that need to be done. Exercise I dont have a clue what that is and I need to loose about 30 pounds. Oh, i forgot to mention i have a 6 year old. Luckily my hubby cooks at least 3 days out of the week sometimes more. Check out the blog Clean Mama she has a good cleaning system that i am trying. I'd love to hear about your exercise routine and eating plan if you have one. Hope you get your mojo back real soon.

{ L } said...

I do it all, but I don't do it all well. I picked up a $5 Hot-n-ready pizza from Lil' Caesar's on my way home from work. I should've made a healthy dinner of whole grain rice, chicken & veggies, but the pizza was a time-saver. I used that saved time to make a grocery list. Tomorrow is my day off, so I'll do the shopping then. I hope I can get my 4-year old out of the house early enough to beat the crowd to the grocery store, because then there's less people to look like a bad mom in front of when he throws a fit because I won't buy cookies, icecream and candy. After the groceries are put away, my son & I will work on his speach, then do arts & crafts together. Then I'll let him play the Wii (I know, BAD mom!) while I vacuum, clean the bathrooms and quickly remove all the clothes from my bedroom armoire. I bought paint for that armoire yesterday, and would love to get painting. There's a slim chance I'll get to that tomorrow, but I'm sure my lil guy will have fun helping me unscrew the hardware. Then we'll run (well, drive) to the post office, take the dog to the park, and hurry home because that whole grain rice takes 45 minutes to cook! After dinner, I'll probably spend 30 minutes just trying to get my son into the shower, so he can be clean for preschool the next morning. After our shower, we'll probably watch Backyardigans for an hour or so, while dad's watching the other tv, and I'm on my computer (pretending to watch Backyardigans at the same time). We will all be in bed by 8:30. At 8:45, my son will say "I'm hungry". I'll get up, feed him a snack, BEG him to brush his teeth again, then go back to bed. The following morning, I'll get him off to preschool, and then I'll be about 20-30 minutes late for work. There may not be enought minutes in the day to do everyting, but I am thankful for every minute I have with my son. I know I'm not a perfect mom, but I am perfect in his eyes.

Lacie @ Creative Attempts said...

I try to do it all lol and I really thought my son going to school would help but I think things are even crazier now. How do people do it????

Janet said...

I love the comments you added to that picture (so fuuny, so true). I think you might be suffering from burn-out.

Last year I was working 40 hours, working on too many diy construction projects, and going to school meetings for my son weekly. I can't believe how I was functioning. This year I am a stay at home, homeschooling mom.

I lost my motivation to start any projects or craft in November.

I got caught up in the rush, rush, rush on a project so that I can post it on this or that blog party. I was doing projects just to have something to post. Plus it seemed like 200-300 other bloggers were posting too. It felt too overwhelming.

I took a step back and realized this is not why I started blogging.

I decided this was going to be a me year. I am a Type A person and love organized spaces. I wasn't leaving myself any time to organize or do anything. I wasn't spending quality time with my family. We were spending our weekends slaving over projects.

Now, I am ruthlessly throwing out stuff and reorganizing every room. I am however working a slow and steady pace.

I just reorganized my file boxes and took a week to do it.

Take a break from your blog if you have to. I think from all the projects posted weekly in 2010 that a bunch of bloggers are probably feeling pretty burned out too.

Jen said...

I'm a SAHM of 4, and haven't read a blog in forever - except for today! But I do try to post 2x a week to get my angst out.

I have no idea how people manage to do the 'mom' thing AND have a job - but what struck me here was all the commenters mentioning - I have a FB friend who mentions flylady ALL THE TIME so I guess I'm headed there next to check it out :)

Dream Mom said...

The secret is that you can have it all, just not all at once. Pick priorities and do the most important ones and delegate or delete the rest. Easier said than done.

I had to do a total about face last year. My son is severely disabled and I am a single mother. It takes a lot of energy to give meds every six hours (otherwise he'll have seizures), start feeding pumps, change diapers and move him (he's got a progressive disease and can't move on his own plus he's over six feet tall and 190 pounds). After some big health issues last year, I had to do even more-breathing treatments, leg massages and a host of other things to keep him well. Plus I needed to do it all on very little sleep-some nights I'm up every hour. What I did was to pick and choose what was most important. His care came first. I clean my own home and use routines. If I am too tired, I pick the most important things and do that.I make all of my own meals for health and budget reasons but if I am too tired, I go ahead and eat out once or twice a month and don't stress over it. I pray every day for the strength to be a great mother. My blog is going on five years but I am definitely winding down.

Just do what you need to do. You can't do it all (neither can anyone else). Figure out what's important to you and work from there. If you need to take a blogging break for a month until you sort it out, that's o.k. too! Take care of yourself and your family first and we'll wait for you. Good luck , Chris.

Amy said...

Yes...It's exactly how I feel. I teach full-time and have 3 children so my life is incredibly busy. I get up early to exercise, plan and prepare/prep all of our dinners on Sunday evening and make sure that lunches, backpacks, and clothes are ready the night before. I am constantly trying to tweak my schedule and squeeze out every minute that I can from each day. Most days I'm just exhausted! I do, however, have a cleaning lady that comes every other week to help with the mess. I would be lost without her. My advice... Just do the best that you can and focus on doing what makes you the happiest. Good luck finding your mojo..I really enjoy reading your posts.

Kendra@My Insanity said...

I so hear you! I think I have the mojo, but feel like my feet are stuck in molasses--maybe quicksand. My little guy isn't sleeping well (day or night) so all of my to-do lists keep growing, all the while I keep trying to convince everyone that I really can do it all. Is this not the dilemma of womanhood?

DHS said...


I'm a SAHM to kids who are 3 1/2, 1 1/2, and 5 weeks. Sometimes I wish I had something to pin my eye lids open with. I finally went and figured out how to set the timer on my coffee pot so all I have to do is drag myself to the kitchen and I can start drinking my coffee...instead of laying in bed thinking I'm too tired to make coffee and end up going back to sleep.

As far as blogging, my husband works from home when he's not traveling and my kids are used to him working on his computer...So, when I need to blog, I just tell them "Mommy's working right now." :-) (I do keep it to a minimum though...they tend to get into trouble when I'm not on top of them!)

And now my husband has decided we're losing weight together. Let me just say, he has no weight to lose. He's 6'2" and 195 lbs. I on the other hand had a baby 5 weeks ago and have about 30 lbs to lose...yet he's able to make it to the gym every day and has yet to offer to watch the kids so I can go. Hmmm. So, I do exercises on the stairs as we go up and down to the playroom. I do lunges in the backyard when the kids are playing. And I usually have to do several sprints across the cul-de-sac to prevent injuries. As it warms up (or as I get more motivated to get back in my skinny jeans), I'll put the little ones in the double jogger and let the big one ride his bike and we'll head to a "track park" for some exercise.

Oh, and in order to get all my housecleaning done...I just lowered my standards. ;-)

And I LOVE dry means I'm not doing laundry! (And my husband was a bachelor until he was 30, so he often does his own laundry out of habit...a habit I haven't corrected in our 5.5 years of marriage.)

AND I managed to live in my 4 inch heels through my first child...the second broke me to flats...and this third one has me on the hunt for the perfect everyday sneakers...and a minivan. YIKES!

Hang in there! Motherhood doesn't last when in doubt, pick it first!

DHS said...
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DHS said...
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DHS said...
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Amy Maze said...

i don't know how to get it all done, but when you figure it out, please post about it! ha! i had great plans to start my new years goals, but have fallen short of the exercise thing...just can't get it in. i'm exhausted at night and don't want to wake up at 430 am to do it:( i'm a teacher too and i think i will try walking around my school during my part of my planning time...we'll see how that goes!

Jill said...

I'm going to have to join the club too! I'm not a mom, but a work a full time job, and on top of that I teach fitness classes (4x a week). That's how I manage to fit workouts in, because I don't have much choice. lol I like it because I can't flake out on myself. :) However on those days that you need the couch and some tv it's not always the greatest! On top of that, I'm in a long term relationship, and my boyfriend and I don't live together, so finding "us" time is hard too. I've set crafting goals for myself, but it hasn't seemed to happen yet!! I get too busy reading blogs! I think I need to set some nights as computer free crafting time!

Kristen said...

You forgot to mention her weirdly huge thighs. And I can do it all because I am on crack cocai....okay not really funny.

I have a messy house. I fall behind on the laundry. I have 3.5 baths in my home and I SWEAR there is one always clogged by a gross boy.

But I make New Years Eve doughnuts and play Lego games. I rock at building GeoTrax layouts. Priorities sister. Priorities and the word NO. As in "NO Windex will be sprayed in this house today!"

Your family is the most important thing, you can never get this time back with your kids. The rest sort of falls in the cracks and if you can do it great. If you can't, then just clean right before you take the blog picture. NO ONE is judging you but you. I think you are doing amazingly well. (See...because I can't see the laundry pile!)

Decorchick! said...

HOLLA!!! I feel like you do sometimes too. And when I do, I just close the laptop and don't look at anything. That usually helps.

I clean, but I don't like get down on my knees and scrub or anything. Maybe that's why there are rings in our toilets now? A housekeeper would be totally awesome.

But to answer your question, I really don't know how I do it, and I stay home with my daughter. There is NO way I could do the blog thing and work during the day. You are superwoman.

Projects and post writing I usually do at night, or do in increments during the day. I've been closing the computer during the day as well so it doesn't interfere with "mom" time.

And work out? What's that? We'll never quit you Justa! :)

Durfee Family said...

Don't you think it's just the holiday "blues" or whatever they call it?? I mean, I'm not depressed or anything! But I've been working dang hard for 2-3 months and now that I can slow down (figuratively speaking) it's hard to get back into a routine and with all the "stuff" going on in my head that I had on hold during the holidays I don't know where to start next!I decided to just be patient with myself. It will all fall in place. I'm just taking care of my family. One step at a time! :)

Lisa Cash said...

Your commentary on the cartoon cracked me up, but then I started to read these comments and really got a good laugh! Non-moms, I appreciate your good intentions, but advice to get up 30 minutes earlier is probably not gonna happen when I just went to sleep 29 minutes ago! LOL!

I've always had a full-time+ job with quite a bit of travel. For part of it, I was a single mom, and honestly I have been tired for almost 20 years! Our youngest is in her first year of college, and for the last few months I've enjoyed doing almost NO laundry and not feeling guilty for working late. So, this is just a season you're in.

I wouldn't trade the career or the family. You just have to embrace exhaustion occasionally and come to peace with the concept of good-enough.

My best advice is OUTSOURCE. Get as much help as you can (that's why you work, right?), and as for blogging - only do it if you love it - and if you love it, do it while you're sitting on another insanely boring conference call.

Good luck, girl!

Stephanie said...

Oh you poor thing. I feel for you. Two things come to mind, pick your battles and simplify. You don't have to do a post everyday, and/or you could have guest bloggers. Do what makes you happy, because that is all what matters.

Marilyn said...

I have followed your blog for ages but don't think I have posted a comment to you before. :) My trick was that I set a timer and did 5 minutes in each room every day... it worked for me. After the kids left home, I joined flylady.. and guess what her secret is... the timer :) so I still run by a timer when i need to catch up. Marilyn x

Deidre said...

You can't do it ALL, ALL the time. We've all lost our mojo at some point. I work as a nurse 2 days a week. We have a 4 year old and a 3 year old. Cleaning is done as needed. I truly don't know how you work full time, write a blog, go to bed early, exercise, be a Wife/Mom and stay sane. Hang in there. Keep it simple.

cakebake said...

I'm so totally with you! I work full time, have 3 kids, and a husband that works more hours so that we can stay afloat. My kids have jobs (I hate calling them chores) that they do weekly. I try to cook a big meal on Sunday and eat it atleast two more times in the week. Through the holidays I stayed up late every night so that I could get things done and not feel anxious the next day. I made a check list and it felt great crossing things off. Now it's a new year and a fresh start and I haven't started getting into a routine yet.

Emily @ On the V Side said...


I can't give you any real "advice" because I'm in the same boat you are. So look at me, being no help!

I just give you a big "Solidarity, Sister" and a high five for being awesome anyway. :)


adrianne said...

Oh my - I hear you!! I don't work but have three little ones under 4yo and recently sought a solution to the unorganized mess of a solution for now is to assign specific tasks to each day (ie. monday is laundry, plan meals/shopping list, tuesday run errands, grocery shop, wed no house work just play with kids, thursday clean so i don't have to take up family weekend time to do it) It helps me to at least have a plan and know that IF i follow it things will get done rather that looking at everything and feeling completely overwhelmed. Just know you are NOT alone and for a mom to say she has it all figured out is LYING ;)

Anonymous said...

I love your blog and have never commented before. I love your blgo because I can relate to you the most. My husband is in law enforcement, I work full time, have a 4 year old and another on the way. Most bloggers do not work outside the home. that is why I admire you the most. do what you can and post when you can. we will still be here.

Colleen said...

haha! I'm so with you. I'm a full-time lawyer by day and mommy and everything else the rest of the time. It's hard. I blog when I can. I get to my projects when I can. I don't presently exercise but I should. I have a cleaner who comes every 2 weeks - best $200a month ever!!! It's a struggle to balance it all but I manage. I am constantly working to manage it better and someday I'll get there : )

Richella Parham said...

Holla. Holla, Holla, HOLLA! I wish I knew how to boldface a comment.

If anyone can figure it out, you can. You're so much more than just a girl. :)

DIYbyDesign said...

Please go find your Mojo. I love your blog. Yours was one of the first I found and the post I remember most is when you got the new armoire for your daughter's room. I can't wait to see how you refinished it. I am a wife, mom, attorney, competitive tennis player, blog writer and pretty much CEO of this home. It's constantly a juggling act. I workout five days a week to stay in shape to play the level of tennis I play. I totally get what you are saying. I often feel like I am juggling so many things at one time, everything is going to come crashing down on me. Those are the days I take a deep breath and say to myself... this too shall pass.

Willo said...

I feel ya. And I don't work outside the home. I think it might be the time of year because I am totally feeing this too, so I may not be one to talk, but here's what works for me...when it works...I have a pilates machine in my room so I can wake up early and do some. I don't watch TV. I do go to bed early (by 9) and cook. I plan the recipes the week ahead (I have been using the "Clean Food" cookbook) and my husband chops veggies the night before-that helps. I hope you find it soon...but know that you are not at all alone in missing it.

The Dutch Girl said...

Holla!!! I work fulltime, I commute two hours a day, I cook on a regular basis, read to and play with my child, try to establish a yoga routine, and get some blogging in there too. It's hard. My house is not as clean as I want it to be, especially the floors. At times it drives me barking mad, but mostly I accept things the way they are. It is what it is.

But tomorrow is my day off and my child is at daycare anyway (horrible mom, I know!). I am taking advantage of the freedom to clean house without distraction. I might even blog about it.

Unknown said...

So here's the thing... I don't have kids yet! I'm not married yet! But I'm STILL overwhelmed alot of the time! So you're doing amazing I'm sure!

christy said...

That could be me too.

I work full-time outside the home, full-time mom, wife, financial planner, housekeeper, pet owner, grocery shopper, chef, taxi drver, etc. Oh yeah & I am trying to squeeze in exercise too then my son comes in b/c he wants to "play" on the treadmill I AM ON.

I do all the shopping, laundry & cleaning on the weekends.

It helps me to have lunch packed, clothes layed out & cereal/bowl/spoon ready for my son the night before. I wake him up in the AM, then I take my shower, ger ready, take him to school, finish getting reday, then off to work. After my 9-5/6 job I come home & cook/clean-up, luckily the munchkin is usually hanging in the kitchen with me, we read/do homework, have some down time, then bath for him & bed. This is where I am usually to lazy/tired to work out & use quiet time time or blog reading. Trying fix that this year.

Anonymous said...

This is why I don't have a blog.

However, I have worked out a bit of a routine that has helped me tremendously. First, and foremost, every person in my family does his/her own laundry. A SANITY saver for me! (I have one husband and 3 daughters, ages 11 & 9-year-old twins.) Kids CAN do laundry and it doesn't hurt them. Also, we ALL clean the whole house together on Sundays after church. The kids moan and complain, but it gets done and the whole house is clean at one time. Finally, I get up at 4:20 every weekday morning and go to "boot camp" to work out from 5:00 - 6:15. I get home at the same time the kids get up for school (6:30), so I'm there when they need me = no guilt. Nobody misses me at 5 in the morning! Yes, I go to bed very early. We put the girls to bed at 8:30 and I'm in bed right after that. I usually read a little then lights out by 9ish. Hubby has even fallen into my schedule and he goes to bed at the same time. He's getting more rest and feeling better, so it works for him too.

Oh -- something else that has CHANGED our lives -- we no longer watch TV. At all. ;)


Beth said...

I just about spit my drink through my nose reading Melissa's comment! And to her comment I say a hardy "Holla" and "Ditto yo" (the yo is obviously unnecessary but if gives me more streed cred). You are amazing as I've said countless times and you are loved whether you blog or not!

wgleaves said...

I totally get what you are saying. Jugginling so many things is hard...especially if kids are involved. I work full time and drive 50 miles one way to work. So, by the time I get home each day, I have very few hours left.

I do cook. I am a huge fan of 30 minute meals or preparing meals ahead of time or in the crock pot. There is always pizza or grilling if I am short on time too.

Weight and working out... that is my goal this year. My time to exercise is at night when the kids go to sleep or on my lunch hour. I feel the key to losing weight is a combination of meal planning and exercise. I do not want to go on a diet, I want to make a life change and make it a gradual process. So far so good this year. Also, we have a Wii. It is great exercise and fun time with the family. I feel like I am not sacrificing time with my kids and husband if I do an hour of playtime.

Laundry and house cleaning. I try to do some laundry during the week. A load here and there sure makes it easier than all at once on the weekend. My Saturday is cleaning and laundry. I rotate what gets cleaned on alternating weekends so the house stays fairly clean.

Good luck!

Jboo said...

I think some bloggers must drink a lot of coffee to get everything accomplished! There's my resolution for 2011 -- drink more coffee!!

Work full-time, have a 9 yr old sweetheart daughter, 2 older sons and an 8-mo. old puppy. Hubby too. Rarely make anything very good to eat, have a cleaning person every other week and seem to do a ton of laundry for 3 of us! Lose my blogging mojo regularly! Happy New Year!! :)

Unknown said...

Nop, can't do it all. I feel the same way often...I lose my Mojo and then it comes back out of nowhere....


Sharon-The OKI StampQueen said... --- she has ALL THE ANSWERS! Her systems, er you do it. 15 minutes at a time. I get on the wagon--and fall off.But, when I am on it, there's more ME TIME to stamp, scrap, blog-whatever. It works! Hang in there-check her out! Blessings, Sharon

Bridget said...

I hear you loud and clear! I am a SAHM, 3 kids, with a husband who travels 2-3 nights a week. Great job but long hours. I have absolutely no idea how women do it with a full-time job, kids, husband, house, etc. I hope that you find your mojo. I'm sure you will.......this is a difficult time of the year. Keep calm & Carry on!

Handy Man, Crafty Woman said...

I don't know how women do it, who work full time and have kids. Or more than 1 child! I have 1 child, work very part time, and I feel like I'm always running, running, running!

Every time I get the house clean (or semi clean), something else goes to crap. I cleaned today, but we are on "fumes" for food, there is nothing to eat, I MUST go grocery shopping tomorrow (one of my most dreaded chores!)

Yay for you for going to bed earlier and exercising, though! I need to do that!!

Trina@theGilliganChronicles said...

uggh! I work part-time nights and my sleep is what ends up being sacrificed! What to do? I try to be more relaxed about everything but once the total chaos has taken over it puts me in a really bad mood. My new method is that when I see something really nasty that I can't stand it I clean it! I tried FlyLady but wasn't able to stick to that schedule. I need some ideas too!! I think you do a fabulous job at everything! Great blog!

Jennifer said...

I am feelin' ya! In fact, I have been so busy this week, I have not had a chance to catch up on blogs this week (hence 7am). Hang in there!

Melissa said...

No mom I know is unfamiliar with the feeling of simultaneously doing a sub-standard job at home and at work! I think our mistake is in thinking that we can/should do it all when really it just isn't possible. But, okay, I still REALLY want to do it all - and well! When I'm feeling my best, (read: most productive), it's when I get up v. early - say 5:00-ish - to exercise, do lightening fast housework and then dinner prep before my kids wake up. This becomes a necessity because by 6:00 PM I'm SO freakin tired that I can't possibly get anything done. :) That said, I am conitnually inspired by your creativity and your energy so I hope you find time for us. (More, more, more demands!)

Unknown said...

I have a fulltime job inside and outside the home. Advice: 10 mins per room cleanups. If you stick to this your house will stay clean. My kids help with my "projects". That counts as play. Right? I've switched watching tv for blog stalking and project making. I have a list of dinners on rotation. They are easy 10 min prep and healthy. We're mom's we wear capes and have super powers.

- Brittany aka Pretty Handy Girl said...

I'm definitely bi-polar about domestic duties. I saw Marianne's post from Domestically Speaking and thought you might find it inspiring:

But, hey, even if you don't just know that we are all "not perfect" and we try our best.


Jordan said...

I know not everyone has this option, but the gym we go to has a kid's club area. It costs $20/per month for two kids ($10 for one). My kids are 4 and 2 and they both have separation anxiety. They cry when I leave them but I HAVE to have that time for me. I am not in shape, I've got about 30 lbs to lose, so I'm not one of those gym rat mom's. I just recently decided that was something we were going to make a part of our day. Then we go home and get on with the rest of the day. Somehow, it seems to make getting the other stuff done a little easier? Not sure why that is. But I do have to say, the cooking meals for my family part is seriously lacking at our house. I make a lot of Costco frozen lasagna....but hey-they like it and less mess to clean up!

Jordan said...

I realize this isn't an option for everyone but we are lucky enough to have a gym with a "kid's club". It's $20/month for two kids and I think that's darn good. I am not in shape, and this is a new thing with the new year for me but I'll tell ya, that hour for me is huge. I look forward to it every day-and I've never looked forward to excercise. My kids have a little seperation anxiety but I just power through it. It seems like it's made getting everything else done easier...I have a lot more energy when I get home and I feel better in general. I will say that I'm lacking in the home-cooked meal dept. More often than not it's frozen Costco lasagne...but they like it and less mess for me!!!! It's a constant juggling struggle.....and it'll never be perfected---and it will constantly be changing!

Mng3jf7 said...

Do you work full-time? Yes + OT...

Do you exercise regularly? HAHAHA...
ok so i have the equipment, the knowledge & a game for the kinect which i really like, but no time :(

Do you actually cook meals for your family? Yes, this is something i figure if i cant exercise, we will at least eat right, well & for less. Plus my hubby will cook w/ me occasionally so thats always a plus :)

What about cleaning the house?
Well with the house i do a kinda triage thing. Do we have clean clothes or dishes? ( i know it seems simple enough, but working 50 hrs a week can make ya miss a few things now & then lol...) Those are the the first priority. After that clutter & trash. And lastly everything has a home: these socks, they have a home in the hamper, not the living room floor :P Those are about the basics i try to keep up & on the weekends i play ketchup with everything else.
Do you actually do that?
Well no, i don't. I am humble enough to admit that none of it would get done if it was just me. Thanks to the awesome team player my husband is & occasional help from others it all gets done enough :P

Anonymous said...

Boy, am I on the late freight. My kids are theoretically "grown" but I still don't hae enough time for house and yardwork, with full time job and volunteer activities too (although I have cut that back). When our kids were younger, we had a "big" meal on Sunday, when we would bbq a number of different things - chicken, steak, fish, Italian sausages - and then used those as the basis for the weeknight meals: tacos, burritos, pasta dinner, etc. We could stretch Sunday's salad out till Tues or possibly Wednesday lunch if the dressing was added separately. I would cook a double pot of rice, and use the leftovers during the week (again, burritos, chicken on rice, etc). I would clean carrots and celery on Sunday and use that all week for "before dinner" while the kids waited and would also put them in lunches. We would bake lots of potatoes on Sunday, and use those all week too (breakfast might be sauteed onions and potatoes with steak cut up or chicken). For 20 years I made hot breakfast and packed lunches and am now done, although I still do for myself, and I have to say, I miss it! the boys' friends used to stop in for breakfast, and I miss The Breakfast Club! We had our first reunion this past Christmas.
The years go by so quickly ~ just figure out what is most important to you and adjust your standards. It will be fine!

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