Friday, January 7, 2011

Show and Share Day

I have to say that I am having the best time reading all your responses and words of encouragement about the loss of my mojo! You’ve made me laugh and feel all fuzzy inside. Thank you SO much! Hooray for hardworking moms, eh?!


As a means of being a better blogger, I have decided I’ll just have to utilize my weekends better. In the meantime, I thought I’d show you the in-betweens. I tend to be really good at those.

Remember the china hutch I bought back in ‘83 for my daughter’s room?


This is where we are currently. I know it should be done by now. I have a paint, wait several days, paint work ethic. Another coat, and it should be good to go! Not long now.


Then there’s that “quick” bathroom remodel. It looked like this about a month ago…


And here it is now. Don’t ask me about the lighting in this room. Not. in the mood.  


And lastly (not really lastly—I’m just tired of listing all my undone projects!), there’s the master bedroom. Doesn’t it look like the romantic haven it should be? It’s been like this for 7 years 7 months, and I’m over it. The redo should be complete soon. I hope.


Okay. Enough about me and my “when will she ever finish these?” projects. How about you share some things with us? Inspire and enlighten! No pressure or anything. :)


Leanne said...

I don't even want to talk about my unfinished (barely started) projects. Yours seem to be coming along. I know they'll turn out gorgeous. Thanks for hosting this great party again.

Kristen said...

I've got nothing for you this week, unless you count pictures of underneath my kitchen sink that I cleaned out.

I'll have something fabulous for you next week. Please have those projects finished up by then for me will you? ;)

Handy Man, Crafty Woman said...

Thanks for hosting. That hutch is going to be AMAZING when it's finished!

The Little Red Shop said...

I think that if you saw my partially-gutted 100 year old would feel much better.

Happy project dreamin' about finishing! I'm way behind ya!

: )

Julie M.

Amanda Lee said...

I don't have anything new that is finished -- lots of in progress stuff. I did link up my "house goals", since that's my big project/ theme for 2011. Thanks for hosting a link-up!

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahaha, yes, I have the same ethic when it comes to painting. And if it makes you feel better, every room in our house is 1/2 finished except 1 - the toilet. Yep.
I sit there and think how great it is to have the most important room in the house finished. Even the 2 projects I attempted today didn't really see completion. I ran out of materials for one, and the other needs more practise. Sorry I can't bring anything to the table.
Lisa x

Sandy Ang said...

Linked up my new year cards. Off to hop around for more crafty ideas now.

DIYbyDesign said...

Thank you so much for letting me see where you are with that hutch for your daughter's room. I can't wait to see it when it's done. Thanks for having the party. I love when I see that you have a new post.


I've been wanting to frame our builder grade mirrors for months, but can't figure out how to get past those clips. How did you work around those as I see them on the top part of the mirror? I'd love to know!

Colleen said...

I can't tell you how many unfinished things I have around here. that's my goal to finish those before starting anything else. Not sure how that is going to work out. lol

Punky'sMom said...

I too have tons of projects that are almost finished, ok so some aren't even started. I blame it on the weather...
I do have a fun project I can't wait to start once it warms up again in 3, 4, who knows could be 5months in OK.

KimMalk said...

Thank you for hosting - we all have those projects that won't go away ;).

Anonymous said...

My link up is a simple little "get me going" project. I seem to have misplaced my mojo too..... :-)

Cassie {Hi Sugarplum} said...

those projects aren't going anywhere...the only timeline you're working on is your own!!! enjoy the process and downtime too!

happy weekend!!

TraceyM said...

I have only recently started my apartment redo blog and the amount of unfinished/half started jobs are mounting. So you are not alone! I even took some snaps today of all the things, which I hope to complete.

Michelle L. said...

You have so much going on! I agree, painting is always on my 'later' list. Thanks for another share party!

Unknown said...

Hah! You should see my recent post of 'in betweens.' I had to cut it short so I wouldn't discourage myself!
I love the lines of your hutch. It will look fabulous.

Unknown said...

I know this is terrible - but I am so encouraged. I have a mirror that I refinished and my husband still counts it as undone because there was an old sticker in the corner that I don't have goo-gone to take it off with! I have a ton of projects that are mid-way and my husband gets so frustrated! How do you get your hubby off your back? :)

Mary Ann Pickett said...

Sure seems you are headed in the right direction!!!
Mary Ann

Hanna said...

I just found your blog!!! I am your newest follower. I Love this project. Looks great so far! Nice meeting you!

Hanna from

Amanda @ Life with A.Co said...

LOL - I feel the same - like, we always start out with the best intentions and then life gets in the way.

I tend to buy things, like, 'Oh this will be GREAT for blah blah blah to make a blah blah blah' - I get it home, put it 'away' and 6 months later I never even STARTED that project. WTFFF.

A.Co @ A.Co est. 1984

summerland cottage said...

Just found your beautiful blog...

Your home is going to be "heaven" when you are finished, and it will be so worth it !

Thank you for hosting all the creative goodness !

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