IIIIIIII got to do some consignment shopping this weekend. Yee Hee! I have been on a search for some bell jars since the beginning of time, and I come up short every single trip. Poor me. However, I DID get some cute Halloweeny stuff. Let us look at exhibit A.

I've been eyeing them at Hobby Lobby, but just never broke down and spent the money. BUT when it's only $1.99, it's too good to pass up. I saw a similar makeover on Martha some time ago, and I knew I had just the lack of skills to do it.

Perhaps not as spooky with the brass Christmas wreath holder, but it's all I could find to take the picture.

Next, is exhibit B: A boring little primitive/country broom for a measly .49 cents.

Why not spruce it up with some ribbon, paint, more ribbon, some hot glue, a burned finger, and some more ribbon? I'm gonna just put it out there. I don't really like it. But I think it'll look reeeaallly cute on my daughter's bedroom door. It's just whymsical enough for a little girl's room, and she likes it.

I hate it when I've spent time on a project and my vision never made it to the end product. This sucker may get torn apart at some point. Darn.

Well, it is my opinion that Halloween decorating is officially ON. I'll have some more coming up for you. If you're already tired of it--shame on you. It's the kick off to the holiday season!! How can we ever be tired of holidays? (Yes, I'm annoying about holidays.)
very cute I like the wreath and the broom is very cute! love the top of it.
Love the broom! I think I may need to try the wreath :o)
That is the cutest stinkin broom I've ever seen. Awesome idea. And what a cute idea for the wreath. Makes a statement and didn't break a budget.
Very cute projects...I love them both, especially the broom!
wow. see, now i have all of those tools, but somehow they NEVER lend themselves to projects i like. Yours however, well, they rock. I love both of those - even the broom - in fact, if i copy it - take it as flattery, k?
by the way, i've added you to my favs on my blog list - come visit, i adore your style :-). Plus we both love layla at the lettered cottage.
I really like the broom it is way cute.
Hey if you are looking for glass domes they are at Michaels craft store and they are on sale for 15.00 to 20.00 I just got two..I will be doing a post on them shortly.
Okay, both of those are too cute! You are a project queen. I would have never thought to paint the broom black. Great idea! :-)
I absolutely love your halloween wreath! You've inspired me to make one!
you are like the eveready bunny!!
Good work, Girl!
Very cute broom make over!
Both are very cute...especially the broom! Very creative. :)
I cannot keep up with you. When do you sleep? Eat? Do laundry? Hello? I think our friendship is over, you think I am scary and I think you might be sneaking meds to stay awake all night to craft.
But before you delete me email address could you please send me all your planned Christmas projects so I can at least get ONE in? Pretty please? I promise not to comment on how you park you car!
And I think the broom is fun! Don't change it - the wreath is great too!
Coming out of "lurk mode"--- love your blog.
Great ideas! The spooky wreath is a must do. I know I have some of those lying around. TY!
I am typing with a baby sleeping in my arms. I have a college degree, I can spell I promise!
Love Love Love your stuff!
Great ideas, Chris. I like the wreath, and I like the broom. Maybe that broom'll grow on ya.
I dig the broom and the wreath... well, the wreath is freaking me out a bit. Spiders, you know.
Nicely done!
I think they both turned out very cute:) And I've been on the hunt for those darn bell jars too!
Cute, cute, cute! I like the broom. :o) But I hear ya... I'm VERY critical of what I "make" too, so I know how you feel. 99% of what I make gets taken apart or shoved to the back of a closet.
How do you manage to work, shop AND be crafty?? You are quite impressive. :o)
Don't touch that broom!! It is perfect! I think it is so cute!
Love the wreath too!
Wow..those are great! The wreath is so creative...love it!
Happy Monday!
-Sandy Toes
Love the broom.. consignment shopping is so much fun, I have not got to go in soooo long... a little jealous
I have a wreath like that just hanging around. I never knew what to do with it to bring it up to date! Now I know-I love the idea!
I must copy-today!
I like the broom-the bottom needs something, maybe some color. Like some buttons or paper or something. ( I am so not telling you what to do, I am just opinated-you still like me right?) Not too sure how to do it though, I love the idea, I think I have one of those brooms hanging around somewhere too. Is it pathetic that i collect all this stuff, just so I can copy fabulous ideas from talented people?
I also love the sprakly bones. I think that they look even more creepy with the grren glitter-kind of dead and rotting looking. Can't wait to see the finished project!
Those are cute...
HA! These are tooo cute! Love it! :)
2 really cute projects! Sorry you haven't found your jars yet. But hey, at least you get to keep looking!
Nope, Nope, Nope, No Way...Stand back from the broom and don't touch it missy...it's way too cute! You did a great job! The wreath? I LOVE IT and am making one this week for our house! Happy Monday to you~ xoxo Les
I think they're very cute! I think I'll try making the wreath...no burnt fingers please!!! I still haven't healed from the one I burnt last week..lol
Have a great week!
You have just got it going on!!! Love that broom~
I love that broom!!! I can't believe you said you don't like it, I think it's adorable! I have started some Halloween projects that I can't wait to finish and post, and your blog gave me inspiration!
Cute!! Love crafties that are done on the "cheap." ;)
I love the spider web wreath! So cute!!
as usual you amaze me with your creativity!!
You found some great bargains and I love what you've done to them. Your place is certainly off to a good start! I'll be checking back to see what else you'll be doing...
Have a nice evening.
Just started lurking your blog and well.. Don't take this the wrong way but I think I love you! :)
You have absolutely the best ideas ever! Prrrobably going to steal them...borrow them, that is!
Thanks for the couple of hours I lost reading your blog!
I love your broom-- it's so stinkin cute!
I love the wreath! I also read your tag- funny!! How can you not like reading! Try Twilight-Im going to read it right now!
I like the little broom, I think it's perfect for a kid's room door. That's the problem with seeing everyone else's cute ideas...we get these super-high expectations! I do know what you mean about working hard on a project and then not loving it though. Are your kids ready to start their Halloween advent calendar in a few days? :)
How cute is that! I also love the wreath. I'm going to make one! I just found your blog and I really like it!
Say it with me:
I love the broom!
I would have never thought to do something like that. If I were you, I would just leave it alone for now and it may just grow on ya.
Kelly xo
really nice! You did a good job. Isn't it amazing how just a little paint changes everything? I'm sure the kids are enjoying these projects your doing.
did you see the project the nester posted about the homemade bell jar a little while back? (it was someone else's project). way cute!
I went out two weekends ago and no one was ready. I came home pumpkinless. This weekend look out people!
Stop by, I have something for you. ;)
Broom....super duper cute!
Thanks for posting this great idea. I went yesterday and got myself a wreath. I finished it and I am so happy for the inspiration you gave me. I posted it on my blog
I love these makeovers! So cute!
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