My house is set off the road a bit, so I need something pretty substantial to show up on my door. This baby does the job!

However, if I take a step back from the door, you'll start to notice something peculiar. Something not. so. fall...

Welcome to Michigan, folks.

I don't care if I grew up here. I'm not ready for this. My kids, however, are more than ready. I present to you my six-year old and her "gang" as they discuss the ups and downs (get it?) of sledding.

P.P.S. 114 links have been posted on the "I Can Make That" party! Pleeeaasse feel free to keep linking! I literally have a list of things I have to start making. A little overwhelming, but oh so fun!
Michaels is outrageous with their arrangement prices. Like it really costs that much to make. But $13 is great, and that is beautiful!
Hi Chris,
I love your new wreath, and that snow looks so pretty to this Mississippi girl!
I might feel different if I had to face it daily. Here when it snows, everything comes to a grinding halt! LOL
Blogger is doing the same thing to me with the photos, and a couple friends are having the same problem. It's so annoying, isn't it??
I am jealous of your snow! We only have an inch...not nearly enough for sledding. I have been having problems with reverse pics too..what a pain!
oh, man, I'm totally going to Michael's to pick up a wreath or two. Thanks for letting me know about their awesome sale!
I love the snow -- just not when I'm right in it. Nope, don't miss the snow.
That was a good bargain. A few years ago, I did the same thing, and that's how I got my fall wreath.
Yuck...snow! I think it's pretty, but I sure don't want to drive in it, walk in it, be in it. ;) It was fun when I was a kid and lived in NY. Here in TX, it's not so great.
Hi Chris! Oh you lucky girl ... I had heard these babies were at the famous Dollar Tree. All three of my Dollar Trees were bare. Sad. It would have been so much nicer to just pick them up at the store but then I would not have had the fun of cleaning up all of that glitter, ugh! I think I still have some in my hair, ha! My little one did have a nice time helping out so I guess it was worth it. Your Dollar Tree must ROCK~
I love the wreath! Its very pretty.
I love your new wreath. What a bargain too!
I grew up and live in Nebraska and I am never ready for the snow either! To my surprise, we haven't had any yet.
Have a great week!
Please keep the snow and don't send any my way! And Blogger has always posted my pictures in reverse. It is annoying, and I'd love to know how to change it. My brain has trouble figuring out which one to post first!
I love love love snow, but don't see many snowfalls like that in Arkansas! We usually get a handful of pretty snows and one freak snowstorm that makes everyone go nuts and flock to Walmart for supplies, only to have it all thaw the next morning! Our weather is crazy!
Blogger is being crazy! It is too much for me to choose my pictures backwards in hopes that they come out the right way. It bugs!!! Love the wreath. Love the snow!
All that snow is something I cannot even relate too. It is so warm here still...relatively speaking. Stay warm and bundled up.
Happy dish washing, right?!? It truly works wonders hun, but prepare for the smell of vinegar in your kitchen!
Your wreath is fabulous! Love it against your grey door. So classy!
And the snow? Bryce would be giddy over that, too, but not me just yet!!!
About the photos~ I have been using and it hasn't had any probs. Hope Blogger fixes it soon for you!
Happy almost a new week to you~ Les
That was a steal on the wreath and it looks great!
I'm not envying the snow.
Great deal on the wreath and what fun in the snow!! I love letting the kids get tired from playing in it. Hot chocolate weather for sure!
WOW! I am so jealous of your beautiful looks like a Christmas card. I say I would want that, but I'm sure this Mississippi girl couldn't hack it for long.
p.s. gorgeous def. makes a statement.
We've had snow in Colorado already - it's gone now and my kids are back to jackets. Love the wreath.
I don't know why blogger does that now. I just upload in reverse order now. Annoying!
I'm jealous of the snow!! It is so pretty! Great wreath!
I have got to get out and get a wreath! And so much more! Stop by my new blog, Chris, for a giveaway -- there's a fun challenge, too!
We were having flurries here the other day, but nothing that stuck to the ground...thank heavens. I'm not ready yet either. sigh.
WHat a great fall wreath! And the pics of the snow look so pretty -- don't get that here in NC! My kids really miss the snow (used to live in Chicago) and making snowmen!
Wow! Snow! My girls would be thrilled. We are moving so I still need dry weather and sunshine! The wreath is beautiful - nice score!!!
Great wreath!
I remember sledding down Michigan's slippery slopes when we lived there as a memories!
I need to go check it out. I went to Hobby Lobby the other day looking for a fall wreath with a drastic sale price but found nothing. I'll be at Michaels this afternoon. And - WOW! I cannot believe you have snow like that in November!! Crazy! really scored on that wreath! It makes such a statement for $13. I, for one, am envious of your snow. It's going to be almost 80 degrees here in Houston today and we MIGHT get a cold snap and get down in the 50's later in the week. BRRRR....LOL!
Oh I love the wreath! I just went in there yesterday and picked up a couple of things.
Oh never seen snow like day I hope so though. Sleeding looks like lots of fun for an ole one also.
I just went over and looked at more stuff on the party site. Love this idea...Hope you do another one for Valentine ideas. It will creep up on us in no time.
The wreath is just lovely and we haven't gotten any snow that stuck yet, so I'm a bit jealous. For some reason I really want some this year. Send some snow to Chicago please.
hey! i just hit hobby lobby today and there's was 90 percent off!!! i found some awesome deals!!!!
Ohh ! I wish we would get just a smidgen of snow. In sunny california we are in the 70's.. I mean we live an hour south of Oregon. The holidays feel weird in shorts sometimes and I just wish for more appropriat weather!
Where ARE you in MI? There is no snow over here on the lower east side of the state. Well, none that has stuck. I love the arrangement- in MI you can't let the month decide your decor. Fall is two weeks at the end of September around here :)
The wreath is a great bargain. I never pay full price for anything at Michaels! I live in Michigan too, and I am not ready for all of this snow and cold just yet.
I love your wreath. Michigan winters look a lot like Idaho winters. I do not love the snow either!
What a steal on the great arrangement!!
As for the snow... it's heading my way... and I can wait!
Wow! Pretty wreath! And bigger Wow! Snow! That looks a little too cold for me. I think snow is always too cold for me, that's why I'm here in So Cal. I am a wimpy fair weather type of girl.
Lovely wreath and backwards or not, I love your pictures. I also wanted to say THANK YOU because I have gotten over a thousand hits on my blog from your I Can Make That link!
Nice wreath and a great steal. That's about the only way I would purchase a wreath from there too. The prices for theirs are ridiculous!
'Love your blog!! I snagged your button and placed it on my Mommatudes blog!
Love the new wreath! Very pretty! I can't believe all that snow!
I loaded my cart up with those faux pumpkins during that huge Michael's sale. I'm not sure the American price...but here they were $16.99. I scarfed six of them up at $1.69 or some crazy thing. I hit the sale at 90% off. I was in savings heaven!
We got DUMPED with snow all last week *I was in PA*. There was literally over 3 feet of snow. I groaned bc like you, I'm sooo not ready for it. At. All. Ick.
OMG...I love post-holiday mark-downs. I bought a black Halloween feather tree last week (with a sparkle-riffic pumpkin base) for $2.37 at Stein Mart (marked down, plus 75% off). And, OMG I hate snow in November. :-) Too "clock" hasn't adjusted yet!
Although I don't envy your cold cold winters I do wish for a little snow here and there. Happy sledding!
What a great deal on that wreath!!! I need a Christmas one. I wonder how fast Michael's will have Christmas on sale?
I LOVED the snow in MI for Thanksgiving! We were hoping for snow and we got it! Looks like you got a lot more where you live than my inlaws got, but we made do!
Oh yeah, well I got that SAME EXACT wreath for $5.99!!!
Gotta love being a part-timer at MIGUELS...
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