Nichole at Capture the Moment made this sundae gift basket, and I fell in love with its possibilities. Think soup mixes, hot cocoa mixes, or dipping oils. You can find the round tins at the dollar store! If nothing else, go to Nichole's site. You'll be overwhelmed with her gifts and her presentation skills!


Finally, I've been eyeing these suckers for MONTHS, and I finally found what I think is an easy tutorial! Marie offers a painless tutorial on how to make these out of Scrabble tiles! What I like about them is how many you can make without the cost of buying necklaces for your friends or family! I LOVE it!

Okay, everyone! The host would like to introduce you to the other guests! Link on up here and tell us that "I Can Make That"!!! Thank you for being here!
I'm so excited to see all the fun projects! Thanks so much for hosting this. I love the instructions for the scrabble tile necklaces, that has been on my to try list forever.
Yah! I'm so excited...this is my first Mr. Linky party. I am sooo glad I stumbled on your blog this week. Thanks for hosting such a fab party. I'm on pins and needles waiting to see all the great ideas out there!
Okay, no you ARE my best friend right now, I have been wanting to make these scrabble tiles for way too many months! Thanks for the links this is going to be a fun PARTY!
Hi I posted some Xmas stockings i made on Saturday, so i thought i would join. Mishelle
Can't wait to see what everyone is doing...I used a post I did a few weeks ago about a great gift idea.
Yay! Can't wait to see what everyone has done!
Love Love Love the necklace. What an inexpensive teachers gift! And the onesie is adorable :)
I'ms so excited... and I just can't hide it...I am 'bout to loose control...and I think I like it! :-)
PS Hope you have tomorrow off because you're going to need all day to check out all these links!
Hi, Chris, I don't have anything to post for the party today, but I think this is a great idea for a holiday party!
How much fun is this?! I love the idea! Thank you for hosting!
I have nothing to share *sniffle* but I'll send some linky love your way :).
I'm *loving* everyone's posts!
Fantastic idea, Chris! Can't wait to browse all the inspiration :)
Hi! I'm making a bunch of my gifts this year. One of my favorites is a photo cube made out of CD cases. You can check out the instructions and even a video tutorial as well as lots of other ideas here:
Oh, and here is a great one for teachers:
Thanks! Jewels
Chris~ I found your blog through Kimba's. What a great idea for a party! I posted an easy way to use the top of the cheap, 3 legged tables. Anyone could do this, and of course you could make it into a gift as well. Thanks for letting me join! Can't wait to see all the other ideas! Nice to meet you!
Melissa * 320 Sycamore
Thanks for having this party. I enjoyed looking at everyone's projects.
I did have the wire from when I made the beaded wine glasses, I tend to be a collector of supplies. Which is why my craft room is such a disaster that I often move into other rooms of our house when I am creating. My husband loves that-HA!
Hey! Love the way you have on-the-day registration, you smart girl! This party is awesome.
This is so much fun! I am so excited to see all the fun ideas! Thank you for throwing this party!
I can't wait to check out all the ideas... Thanks!!
These are awesome! Can't wait to see everyone else's things. Wish I had known about this. I would've posted the tutorial I had planned today instead of tomorrow.
Now I'm off to see what else I can make.
Thanks for hosting such a fun party! I'm excited to go check out everyone's ideas! Have a great day!
Remind me not to look at all these great ideas at work! Now I want to run home and start them!!!!!
How fun, Chris. Thanks for the party. I'm bringing homemade soap. :-)
Great party......I can't wait to see more of the projects!!!!
Andrea @ Big Creek Cottage
Oh my!! I'm overwhelmed by how many of these projects I want to start on tonight!!! Aren't they awesome?!
Count me in on the excitement. Thrilled to see all the ideas. Thank you!
ok...I just completely ignored my kiddos for a full hour because I was glued to this post! My head is swirling with inspiration and ideas! I can't wait to get started! thank you for hosting this great party! -jess
Love this idea! Let me see what I can come up with. Be back soon.
Okay..I've got something to post...Finally! I've been working on it for some time and unfortunately didn't turn out quite the way I'd hoped.
Gosh so many neat things! Thanks for hosting this party!
I love that weenie dog onsie! So cute!
I am super excited about all of these... it is going to take me a while to get to all of them... I left 2 different ones.. .I hope you enjoy!
Amazing...I think I have already had more comments on my site today, than I have over the entire life of my blog. Thanks for the opportunity to share my projects! And thanks everyone for the comments!
Ok - I'm SURE that mine is the LEAST coolest thing on here, but it's all I've got girls - I'm potty training over her remember? :)
Thanks for the party! I posted to MR Linky 2 times. One link is not working. I have not tested the 2nd out yet. When you get a chance,, you might want to remove the other link. I have no idea how to do it or if I can. Sorry!
What a fun party! Thanks so much!
Chris I'll be late for the party I haven't got mine done yet I've had the sickies and then the boys today so maybe by this evening or in the morning
looks like a great turnout!!
I am amazed at the wonderful projects! And the tutorials are fantastic!
I won't admit how many times I've been back to day to check out all the neat stuff...gazillion!
PS Where is everyone getting their scrabble tiles? I'm thinking buying scrabble to make this project wasn't part of the plan...
This is my first time to share - I hope it is okay! Thanks
I left my mark for hand made gift tags for all the lovely gift ideas!
Oh, I just found your blog and I am so thrilled. I love making things!! I can't wait to see what all your readers have to offer up. :)
So cute...I am so mad b/c I forgot about this..which seems to be the norm lately!! Well, I will enjoy all these creative women...what great ideas!
-sandy toes
My timing for strolling in, on a first visit, seems to be perfect. I need inspiration for upcoming events. Thanks for sharing these ideas. I look forward to visiting again.
Sweet Wishes,
I'm simply ecstatic! I'm in craft nirvana! I can't WAIT to do the scrabble tiles and I can't wait to check out the other fun ideas from you creative women!
oops! I added my link, but I did not have a project to add.I'm sorry. I'm not very creative in coming up with my own ideas. But all of these ideas are making we create a list of things I need to get to start some of these awesome projects for presents. Thanks so much!
Too much fun! I can't wait to see what everyone has posted.
Thanks for the party, it has helped me feel less "freaked out" that Christmas is right around the corner!
Great idea Chris!! I added my link and am off to check out the others!!
I tried so hard to make it to the party. I crafted all day becuase I too had a crazy week and was out of town all weekend. Are you going to leave Mr. Linkey up for awhile or is today it? I'm always late for things in real life so why would today be any different? :) Thanks for the inspiration girl! This is the best party ever!
I'm excited to see the other projects. I decided to K-I-S-S and posted some pics and recipes for bath salts and scrub. Hope some of you can stop by, and I will definately be checking out every else's blogs.
This is a great party!!! Thanks for being such a wonderful host!
Thanks so much for being such a fabulous hostess. I am so excited to go see what everyone else is gonna do. Thanks again!
So much fun! I got a lot of ideas from this. THANKS!
Thanks for hosting. I love your blog! And just think you were nervous about no one showing up :)
Thanks for hosting this great party. I found several ideas that I am going to try this year.
i just found your party and your blog can i still join in on it was to all the neet fun your haveing here i hope so looks neet
I finally made it to the party! This post took me forever to write. I hope it gives someone some good ideas!
Thanks for taking the time to organize this!
(Off to read the links and be inspired!)
I have been LOVING looking at everyone's ideas. Thanks for doing this!
Chris, this is the GREATEST idea. My entry (under my Easy at Home blog) isn't the most challenging, but boy do I get comments on it every time. Catch you later, old friend.
Okay I think it should work now! Sorry about that!
Thanks for setting this up for all to enjoy, Chris! You're amazing!
Mary Lou
I would like to participate, but not sure about the closing date?! Please let me know.
I've enjoyed my visits to all these wonderful ideas.
Sweet Wishes,
What a super idea and just in time for Christmas! Thanks for hosting :)
Thanks for hosting the party! I have some many great ideas to copy. I can't wait to get started!
Great party! I found you through Linda at Restyled Home. I added a tutorial from last year, since I haven't had time yet this year.
I'm looking forward to seeing all the other great projects out there.
Thanks for hosting,
Chris--what a cute idea! I wish I had my act together to show you what I am thinking of making for my mother-in-law! I'll just have to enjoy looking at everyones ideas! Thanks for hosting the party!
Gosh I have been on this page the last two days finding all kinds of neat things to do. Thanks so much for a wonderful party...You gotta have another one again soon!
I so enjoy all the creative people i am running across on blogspot. love peeking in on others wonderful ideas. thanks for sharing
I love your stuff and I made one of my first project from your notebook tutorial.
So wish I could have joined in this...I have a lot of catch up though. Love all the goodies you are sharing. cherry
It's so much fun to see everyone's ideas! Can't wait to start making something! :)
Thanks for the great idea, I love your make this party. It's great to be able to see others links all right here in one place!
I am loving all the projects I've seen so far and I'm still slogging my way through all the links! What a great idea for a party!
Corinna www.myscrapbooklife.com
I'm so gosh darn excited about these ideas! Oh the Grandmas and Grandpas are getting such good stuff this year!
Thanks for all of the wonderful ideas! I am so inspired by everyone!
Figured I'd give an appropriately floral craft idea today :)
My daughter came up with an idea!
Love your blog, what wonderful ideas! thanks for helping me think outside the box on my gifts. i feel motivated already! Beautiful blog design by the way!!
Thanks for doing this! I've found SOOO many fun ideas through this post - not to mention adorable new blogs to read!
I have found so many great ideas and blogs here.
I am looking forward to some great ideas. One that I have used for the last couple of years is a picture calendar from vistaprint.com. You almost always get one free, then they are cheaper as you purchase. I made each calendar with a different background, etc...., but if you call them they will give you the multiple calendar price if it doesn't show on your invoice. Also, if you just sign up you will get constant e-mails with specials. I have another idea that I will try to post soon. It is a metal "picture" from dollar tree that I have sprayed glue on and cut & pasted a scrapbook scene on for kids. Then go to Michaels or Hobby Lobby and buy their 25 cent wooden shapes & glue magnets on the back. A great Quiet Toy~! :-)
Wow what an awesome list. And that Mister Linky thing is soooo cool, I will be using that for sure. Off to check out the samples.
Chris...I've gotten a lot of neat ideas from your blog and those who have linked to you. I have a few things on my blog, but mine is devoted mainly to God...to serving Him...and being so grateful for my salvation...and also for His many blessings...especially our grandsons!! I've had a lot of hits on my blog and I hope that I've inspired at least one person...if not at being crafty...then, at being a child of God!!!
Thanks for letting me link up!!!
Oh, how I love your blog. Thanks for hosting this event. I will add you to my favorites and hope you feel the need to do the same once you visit.
yay!!! THANK YOU for hosting this party- I've been looking for some inspiration for our homemade Christmas. :)
Hey Chris! I just joined the party {fashionably late...but I made it}. I have just started a craft blog of my own. I've had so much inspiration from other bloggers and it's fun to join in on the constant party that seems to go on amongst bloggers. Thanks for letting me link up and for sharing all these WONDERFUL ideas! :)
So I am beyond fashionably late, but that's how I roll. Stumbled upon your blog (love it) and can't wait to see what Mr. Linky has in store for me.
I'm going to try ALL of these ideas! Thanks for doing this. I was just trying to brainstorm this week on what to make for friends and neighbors!
What a great idea! Thanks for pulling together all of these gift ideas!
I am so excited this is my first party to visit there are so many cool ideas here, love the gift baskets......I am just getting started on blogger so stay tuned to what I have in store.....
Well I'm late to post my own. But that's okay because look at all of the wonderful ideas posted before me!
Thank you, thank you!
Oh what a beautiful blog! I'm excited to see more of your ideas!
-Sarah from Create Studio: www.createstudio.blogspot.com
I can't really share anything right now (too busy) but am really enjoying visiting those links:)
Just want to let you gals know that you are all sharing beautiful and helpful ideas. And you are such inspirations.
wow! great post and beautiful blog! i am sorry if i am doing this wrong...but i wanted to share my recipe for pumpkin granola - i hope i did it right !!!
Chris, Very darling. As I know you love art, please check out my site.
So sorry I didn't link correctly! I've changed it up and added another link to my Paci clip tutorial. I love these because not only are they SUPER easy to make, but it's a great way to use up your ribbon scraps and you know what that means... CHEAP!! Enjoy and thanks again for doing this for us!
-Sarah from Create Studio
It's so fun to see everyone's projects.
I love the idea....So much fun. Can't wait to see everyone's ideas.
What a fun party! I LOVE low calorie parties this time of year LOL~ Cheryl
Love your ideas! I gotta try them!
Count me in! I love those scrabble necklaces
well i came back to ask just how long the partys been going on or will be and i can kidnap one of your party button's to pass the word
What a great group of blogs with great ideas! Thanks for having such a great party!
Where did the list of the links go?
I have been checking your blog everyday but it was hard to read all the ideas everyday. When I checked the blog today I did not see the list and I am very disappointed because I was enjoying everyones great ideas.
did the linkies move? they were here yesterday!! i only got through a fourth of the listings. please show me the way!
i really hope the links are saved somewhere
I've left a link that has TONS of ideas for dressing up your poinsettias! ENJOY the view
I can't believe I missed this party! I am going to go through all of the great projects!
I dont know if its too late to join but a left a link for a holiday plate i did. But the idea could be adapted to make really cute gifts for teachers, sisters, etc. I've found lots of cute ideas from the other links,, Thanks for the party.
I'll be off to post about my weekend projects! Great ideas here!
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