Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Nemesis x's 2

I believe the term "horse" was used by more than one of you when asking about my dog in past posts. This picture is quite reflective of him because I feel like it exemplifies that dumbfounded expression that is on his face most of the time.
I generally refer to him as The Nemesis in my posts, but this week, I have realized that it could most definitely be worse. Enter...Maximus' sister.

Our good friends went and bought Maximus' sister after we brought him home. Apparently, they liked the idea of 140 pound dog in their house. The two dogs have been regular playmates for a year and a half (that's all it's been?!)

Well, lucky for us, our friends went on a trip to Florida this week. That means I have 240 pounds of dog in my house right now--30 of which is drool. Don't let the pictures fool you...they may look ferocious, but they're loveable dopes.

In four days I have mopped my floor 4 times, vacuumed my floor 6 times, swept up shattered glass 3 times, and gone through 3 candles. I have come to realize that people with multiple dogs have one of two things: a house that smells like dog or a live-in cleaning lady.

Whatever happened to these days? I kinda liked him then.
Remember....not much of a dog fan here. Please keep me in your thoughts.


Bamawhitney said...

Oh my gosh, those dogs are huge!! Good luck, I hope your house survives!

Lisa said...




Natalie said...

I definitely feel your pain. I have a 110 lb White German Sheppard. She sheds like crazy, but is a sweetheart. Lucky for me her puppy stage didn't last very long & she wasn't very destructive. I don't think I could've handled it.

Amber B. said...

Good grief! That's a whole lotta dog! Our thoughts and prayers are with you (and your furniture, and your floors, and your candles...) :-)

CindyLou said...

Oh my gosh they are huge! I am not a dog fan either although we have two dogs that are under 10lbs each.
Those dogs love ME more than anyone else in this house (the non dog lover). Why I don't know.
I feel your pain with the huge dogs. The housework, the destruction, but believe me little dogs can be even worse. I am living with them!
Over time I have learned to love them too.

Julie H said...

Those are some BIG puppies!!

Kristin said...

Those dogs are huge! What kind of dog is he? We have a shih-tzu and our friends got one about a year after us. When we go to their house the two dogs play like yours only we probably have a total of 35 lbs!

Mandi Shandi said...

I feel your pain. I had a Neopolitan Mastiff until this past year. She was a wonderful dog, but the drool was like nothing I had ever seen. I can only imagine having 2 of her!

Valarie Lea said...

In that first picture he looks like a pug on steroids!

Free Art Printables said...

Wow, those are some big puppies! :) Jen

Anonymous said...

Hope your house and you both make it through because those are some HUGE dogs. They are pretty though!

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

Your dog is huge! We have a 6 pound chihuahua!!! What a difference. Your dog could eat our dog for a snack. Hang in there, at least you only have the other one for a little while. Have a great weekend. Love & blessings from NC!

Tammy said...

Oh my heavens. Not only are you in my thoughts, you're in my prayers. You're such a brave trooper have both horses in your house for an extended period of time. Good luck. :)

Kristen said...

Awww- look at how cute he was. I don't know what you are complaining about - I clean my house that often and we don't have a dog - we have three kids. Your floors look cleaner than mine do right now! Maybe you should put on a video like Space Buddies for them - I know that keeps my crazy ones occupied for a good 100 minutes.

Those are two HUGE dogs. Between that and your husbands "AMMO" tag in the closet I think you have now scared off any would be blog stalkers.

Karli said...

This reminds me of Muffin, out St.Bernard dog we had when I was a little girl. We would put a pony saddle on him and ride him around the yard. Those were the days!!!

Laurel @ Ducks in a Row said...

Oh my - don't know how you do it. Good luck, I wish you the best.

The Beaverette said...

I love that you aren't a dog person and yet you took action shots and documented it in your blog. Too funny! The dog person in you must be fighting for the surface. Great job handling it all with a sense of humor.

Mother Hood said...

Funny that you posted on your moose of a dog. I just posted on my "bed hog" today!

Tanya said...

Ouch! That's a whole lot of dog. We have two, but they are much smaller. I don't know if I could dogsit a dog that huge! Good luck girl!

Southern Gal said...

What is that on your couch? It sort of looks like a bald man, but I can't be sure.

dongdong said...

You are doing great even though you are "not a dog person" and such a true friend for accepting your friend's dog. :)

Carrie said...

How CUTE! And how much fun :) They entertain each other! Just put your valuables up high for the next week and you should be good to go :)enjoy!

Megan {The Brick Bungalow} said...

Ahh, I share your pain. I have a 140 lb dog and a 30-40 lb dog. I've gone through my share of EVERYTHING. My kitchen tile always has hair (the big guy has hair that FLOATS everywhere... can't sweep it up, can't vacuum it's annoying!), there are dog toys everywhere and I try my hardest to keep my house from smelling like dogs. Good luck! I love the look you captured in the first pic... mine has that same look every once in awhile (although a different breed).

Lindsey said...

Oh my! They remind me of GIANT pugs! I have 2 pugs and they create mass chaos so I can only imagine what those 2 can do! I am new to your blog but love it! Thanks for all the awesome craft/home decor ideas!

Julie said...

Chris wow now that's some big doggies you've got there. Hope everyone survives the week.
Have a great weekend

Anonymous said...

I have two golden retreivers that live in my home. I am not a dog person...and I can't stand the constant hairballs everywhere.
Much to husband's (and my own) surprise I volunteered us to dog-sit our pastor's black lab for the I am in the same boat with you. They are jumping all over the place and acting crazy! What have I gotten myself into???

The Cascio Whirlwind said...

Totally off the subject...but do you know what brand and color your wood floors are? And are they wood, laminate or another type?? I love em!

Sarah said...

That would do me in, I tell you! But that face is hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Oh. My. Gosh. I don't know how you're doing it. I have two little weenie-wawas (1/2 weenie dog, 1/2 chihuahua) and most days I'm ready to pull my hair out. You're a really good friend to "horse" sit for your friends. They owe you big time!

Rachelle said...

Wow, that's tough. I also have a nemesis, his name is Tequila.. He's oh, 3 pounds give or take. About the size of your dogs foot. He looks sweet but he's a walking puddle of pee. ARGH. :)

Thrifty Decor Chick said...

Ha! That's why we are freaky cat people -- the only thing they do is a hair ball once and a while and eating roses/plants/ribbon. If we keep those three away we're golden.

the undomesticated wife said...

HUGE animal lover here...HUGE. I have to say they are very cute together playing! Love the "dumbfounded" look!

I have 3 dogs. Fortunately, they weigh a total of about 30 lbs all together. So that's much more manageable. I don't think our house smells like dog though. And I don't have a cleaning lady. I think the breed makes a big difference on smells.

Wacie's Way said...

Oh, how sweet . . the first picture they are holding paws. Too cute.

Desiree said...

You poor thing! I thought having two large Shepard/Husky mixes that weigh 70-85 pounds was rough. I feel your pain. The dog hair is a LOSING BATTLE at my house. I think we may cave in and hire a cleanign lady so I don't go insane. They are so irresistable when they are puppies though. They have to be so we will adopt them. At least your guest is temporary.

By the way, LOVE your black console table. It is just what I am looking for.


Missty said...

Welcome to my world, er, dog world!! We have a 10 month old Bull Mastiff hitting 140 pounds right now, his parents were 190!! And we have a choc. Lab at 130 pounds!! Ugh! And I am so not a animal person!! We inherited them from our boys who moved out - bought them and them moved again and can't have them. They are growing on us. lol Love your blog, never have posted before.

Wendy said...

WOW! Good luck to you ;-)

christi said...

wow!! is about all i can say.... they are huge but look oh so loveable!

there is nothing in the world like dog breath!!

blessings ~

michelle said...

Hi; you don't know me. I follow your blog and am obsessed with your decorating and ideas! I just bought my first apothecary jar and I'm obsessed. Oh my stars, I need ten more! I have plans for them all over the house; but, for now I have one, and that will have to do!

dongdong said...

I have nominated you for Lemonade Award. Please visit my blog for more info.

LWLH said...

Good lord...those dogs are huge..what kind of dogs are they?!?

Michele said...

OMG Chris, they're huge! But they do look loveable!? The puppy pic is tooo cute!

Yes, I'll be prayin for ya!

Reese said...

I used to be you with a big, stubborn lab, but when she died, we got the sweetest, most well -behaved dog in the world. She is my reward for not killing the first dog. LOL!

Jenny said...

LOL! I am not a dog person either, but those pics are cracking me up.

Good luck!

Shannon said...

You are definitely in my thoughts because I am not really a dog person either. :) Other people's dogs are cute but I do not want one in my house. :)

Shell in your Pocket said... I was looking at those pictures...I thought she must love dogs then you write you are not a dog fan! OH MY....poor thing!
~sandy toe

Carissa said...

I feel you! I have two black labs, one is about 70 lbs and the other is 100. They are constantly playing and knocking everything over. I'm not going to mention the dog hair...

Bobbi said...

Those dogs are adorable! You have your hands full!

ashley morgan said...

Wow...I don't know how you're doing it. Luckily I have a husband that is also not a dog person. He barely tolerates our cat.

Anonymous said...

Ok, that's hilarious!! That happens in our house on a daily basis, but only a combined weight of 160 pounds and no broken glass :) We do have a cleaning and I vacuum once a day every day. I think if we had 2"horses" like that I'd definately need to seek outside housekeeping help. Good luck!! Maybe all the playing will poop Maximus out for at least a day after his sister leaves...maybe? :)


Barb said...

you are braver than me Honey...but they sure look like they are enjoying each others company! Open some windows to try and get the "dog" smell down. You are a good wife. I thought babysitting a loving cat was work. Shessssss! no comparison huh?

neverenoughrubberstamps said...

Ok, I'm in love! Your Dogs are BEAUTIFUL!!!

I sure miss my Boxers - Tyson Mr."T") and Cooper (Mr."C")

You made my day! Thank you for sharing!

Smiles,Cheers and big nuzzles for those big guys,


Suzann said...

Four dogs in my house. They make me insane, but I'm sure that life without them would be dull, fresh, and definitely hair-free.
What kind of dogs are those?

Melanie said...

Awwww! I love them. They look so cute togehter. LOL Hope you survive the visit though. ;)

Kirstan said...

Have you ever heard of Scentsy? It totally combats dog smell! :) No flame, just wickless wax in a burner that you can pick to match your decor and Voila! No smell and something cute in your home. :)
Check out my site and see what it is:

Love reading your posts, they are so awesome!

Amy said...

Do the dogs scratch up your hard wood floors? That was my first thought when I saw the two of them laying on the floor! Very sweet looking pups though!

UPrinting said...

Wow, those are some huge dogs. I can't believe that the little cute doggy on the last photo is The Nemesis. Why can't they just stay small and cute forever? T_T

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