As I was picking up each item and stacking it in my arms (no luck, remember?), I kept thinking, "This just looks like junk!". The large, silver urns were $2.99 (expensive, I thought, but I needed them--needed...that's funny), and the rest was .99 cents. Ugly lattice sconce with gold trim?
How 'bout cute little lattice sconce with ribbon adorned pear? Awwww....
I really like it. It deserves two pictures.
I finally took the plunge and bought a cloche that's not really a cloche to put over a bird's nest. I took the picture on my kitchen table because I have absolutely no idea where to put it. It really doesn't have a good home yet, but I'll find one. By the way, the bird's nest came in a package of 6. It was originally marked $24.00 from Smith and Hawken, but I paid $4.00. Hee. Hee.
Next, I painted the silver urns and went to make an arrangement in it. Low and behold, I had no floral foam stuff! What else to do? Go shopping in my basement! I bought this...uh...thing last year knowing I was going to save it from its misery. So, it goes from this...

Sure, it's a little early for fall, but when fall actually GETS here, I don't have time to do this stuff! It's all very half-a@@ done. If you touch it, it'll fall apart like the Griswald's turkey, but it'll do for now!

I can't believe how cute that "junk" is now. That little ribbon on the pear is darling. And that pumpkin nest...did you make that? I need one of now!
OH YOU MAKE ME PROUD! Look at how you took such sad and average things and made them fabulous!!! (Look how I took some credit, which I don't deserve.)
Every picture was a delight!
I'm trying to figure out what that 'not a cloche' is/was, do you know?
Hi Chris,
Your stuff looks great! I love that shelf and the little pear!
I see your a teacher...I'm retired after 34 years. I finally have time to do this sort of thing! Yesterday I went to 2 thrift stores, and saw a total of 4 retired teachers!
Have a great day,
Oooooh...nice job! Where are the urns?? You could make pumpkin topiaries out of them!
Holy canoli, I love that sconce and the pear! It's so CLEAN and classy. As classy as a pear can be, of course! You found some great stuff! Your fall flowers? SO PRETTY! I love, love that pumpkin in the nest. Can I BE an more gushy? :o)
Thanks for your shade/curtain imput on my porch. I dread hanging shades because it involves a drill. And holes. lol Oh! I'm afraid to paint my garage door a color other than the color of the house or trim...everything I read says it's a big NO NO. :o/
That sconce/shelf thingy is gorgeous! Great job of saving it. I recently discovered thrifting too and it's fun!
You a did a great job with all of that. I love the sconce. I have never thrift shopped before because I did not see the possibilities now I can't wait to find some deals.
I love the flower arrangement and the pumpkin as well.
I love love love that sconce with the pear. What a great job. Love the black!! I really need to hit up some of the thrift stores in my area!
The pumpkin nest is fabulous and so is the black sconce. I can't wait to see the urns.
I have just start thrift shopping too and I'm starting to get addicted.
I was liking knowing you had clean undergarmets, but this is the BEST! I love them all so much and love how you put things that are "thinking out of the box" with other items. I would have never thought of the pumkin in the nest.
Where di dyou get those fall florals??? They look so classy. I want it all. Great work.
Awesome treasures! Good job turning junk into pretty stuff. Very inspiring...
Ok, seriously lovin the pear and pumpkin in the nest idea. I'm totally going to copy..ahem...imitate those. Flattery, ya know :) You did great on you shopping! It's never too early for fall. I've been burning pumpkin spice candles for weeks now :)
Oh...My... goodness!!! You totally got some great stuff. Love, love, love the transformations. I think I am in need of some faux pumpkins to put into a nest for fall. Great ideas.
I LOVE the fall arrangment and the PUMPKIN in the nest... Combining two favorites, nests and pumpkins, it just doesn't get any better!
Wow, you really did find some fabulous stuff - well maybe not purchased fabulous but transformed fabulous stuff! Love the pumpkin nest and the fall floral you did. Can't wait to see what you do with the urns!
Laura :)
I loved everything! The sconce and pear - perfect! New floral arrangement - perfect! Pumpkin in the nest? Might be my favorite, just because it's unexpected.
I love that blogging has made me think a bit more outside the box about where to shop and what I can "fix" with just a little spray paint. You are becoming an expert at that yourself!
You girls are too funny. Thank you for your sweet comments. As for the pumpkin nest. It is a little stick wreath I bought in the floral section with a small feather boa I found in the fall section of Hobby Lobby. I literally just stuck the boa in the wreath and plopped the pumpkin on top! Can't wait to see yours!
what a great job on the sconce and the pear! looks really nice. I love things with pears and the black sconce really makes it stand out. now I know why you took me shopping at the bargain basement. Good job converting all that junk.
Yeah you! Those are some great finds! I've bypassed a few of those sconce/shelf things because I could't figure out what to put on them. I guess I know now. Pears.
That sconce looks great. Your fall arrangements are beautiful. I wish I a little arranging talent.
First of all, thanks for the "my camera was made in hell" made me laugh out loud! I love all your finds and it always makes me want to go shopping when I see other people's stuff! I love the little shelf/pear combo and the fall arrangement is perfect!
I love your finds! Great job!
I am dreaming about a mudroom with lockers and drawers too! For now, I have a bench, buckets from Pottery Barn Kids and hooks! It's not fancy but it works!
I enjoyed reading your blog so much that I added you to my blogroll. I hope you don't mind!
I love all your junk finds and what a great job upgrading everything! the fall pumpkin and florals are great! I can't wait for fall. Thanks for the inspiration:)Julie
Love all your finds but what I love most is that you prettied them up and displayed them right away. I'm notorious for having things for weeks(or longer) before getting them the way I like and in their spots! I'm jealous!
Those are some great finds that you turned into seriously cool eye candy.
Man, I can't pick one to like. They are all fantastic.
Very cute. I especially like the pear on the little lattice thing-a-ma-bob. That's a technical term.
Cool finds. You have the best attitude. Good luck when school starts back. I taught 2nd and 4th grade during my life between design.
Girl, what treasures I found in your post today! as all days :) the pumpkin nest is tooooo cute and I would love for you to share with us the framed pics next to the 'pear' stand. Guess I need to hit the Goodwill store tomorrow!!!
I think I might do that pumpkin feather nest in my bucket planter thing...that I painted black, even though you were one of the many who liked it the way it was ;) I do love that color, too, but probably not for a focal point, I guess, plus black is so versatile and classic.
I love all of your great finds!
OK. First time visitor here, but I'm in love! I can't wait to go look for treasures myself!!
Ok soooo my pears have envy towards your pear now...mine don't have any ribbon on them! How stinkin cute is that? I see you like the black like I do! I have several of those older cloches like that. I think where you put it is perfect. Do you care if I add you to my blog roll? cherry
I love how the sconce turned out. I was glad to see there were two pictures of it. :) The pumpkin in the nest is way cute! Don't tell anyone, but I'm already thinking about fall decorating. Love, love Halloween!
Yea - see, now all the "no luck" days paid off in one huge motherload. That's how it is a lot of time, but the one great find makes the rest of the days worth it. SO FUN!!
Everything looks wonderful! I'm hoping to hit up some yard sales or junk stores tomorrow!
Darling! Really great ideas!
Don't know how I found your blog, but I did... and I am so glad!
Went through your entire blog... I have to do that so I get a sense of who you are!
Liked what I saw... love your blog.
Great job on repurposing your finds! Isn't it FUN!
As you will see, I am all about doing that.
Come visit me sometime!
WOW! I am going to a consignment shop tomorrow! That pear is so cute and does deserve two pictures! I love the glass top on the very cute! What great ideas!
Deb at
Hey Chris,
I have that same glass dome! Haha! Too funny. I picked mine up at a flea market! I love the bird nests! And, your pear looks fab!
Girl! WOW! You did GREAT! I love all of them, I cant pick a favorite! Ok, thats a lie, I LOVE the pear on the shelf!!!! TOO cute! :)
WOW! I just found your blog and I am now just itching to go dig around and find some old stuff to re-purpose. You make it look so easy. I would love to just sit and look at pictures of the inside of your house.
lol, yep I am glad you told me to paint it, haha....I am glad you posted this morning because NOW I remember where I got the feather idea for my pumpkin and so now I am going to link ya to my current post :) I only found dinky nests in my Michael's store, so maybe JoAnn's will have bigger ones, I still want to see what it would look like in a nest, like yours :)
I tried that blogline thing the other day, but I didn't 'get it'. I know if I keep playing around with it, I will. Just have to take the time to do it...I have like 110+ blogs in my Blog List! yikes!
I love it! It is beautiful!
I love all of these ideas. I love fall decorating, though here in the desert it will be quite sometime before it feels remotely like fall outside. I'll be putting out some leaves and pumpkins next month anyway....
Love your painting redos. They look soooo nice. Aren't consignment and thrifting finds fun? I have become addicted this summer. So many great deals out little time...*s*..
Oh yay! I love a good "trash to treasure" post! WELL DONE! You're a pro at this already :-)
Hey; I just came across your blog - very creative! I love the pear!
LOVE the nest of feathers...thank you for the fab idea! I recently bought 3 bags of creamy ivory feathers(cause they were .25 EACH BAG at a store closing). Yeehaw! Love the magnet idea too (and I never would've thought of it). No wonder you're on Today's Creative Blog :)
Love the after of the sconce it looks fabulous!
Your pumpkin is adorable!
I know what you mean. I had never been inside a thrift store before I started blogging and then bam! there I was buying stuff LOL
Very cute and I especially love that little shelf with the pear :)
Great finds that you turned into amazing additions that anyone would covet for their home. home
Love it, love it love it and love all the great ideas
The pear is darling and it did deserve two shots! I really like the nest also! Really great projects! Girl, you have a lot of talent!!!
Great ideas!!!
I need to go a junking :-)
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