When you invite your mom to visit you for a few days, do you pamper her with chocolates on her pillow? Do you wake up earlier than her and have a fresh pot of coffee waiting for her? Do you make her do this?

What about this? Remember
this problem? Yeah, well, I never got caught up.

She was here for 6 days, and I made sure she worked every second of it! She did my laundry, she put my kids to bed every night, and she took them to school in the morning. WHO DOES THAT????? My beautiful mom, ladies. That's who.

This leads into something else we did while she was here. We set up her blog. So, without further adieu...drum roll please....drum roll...anybody? Okay fine. Go to
Revel in Romance and take a peek. Isn't that a great name?

I didn't want to use any pictures from her post, but I thought I'd show you this lamp transformation of hers. We went to Hobby Lobby (where else?) and bought this be-u-tiful beaded trim. She hot glued it on there, and what a gorgeous new lamp she has! PLEASE go see her! She's nervous about the whole blog thing, and I know you ladies are the BEST at making people feel good about themselves!
"Posted 2 minutes ago" and I'm alreadying making a comment, does that qualify as stalking? LOL. Really though it's just good timing. ANYWAYS...I'm wondering when's the last time you did laundry. Lordy girly! Yeah Mom!
*already. I hate not having spell check on the comment thingy.
Well, now I'm jealous! I wish my mom could come stay with me for 6 days! Oh the things I could get caught up on! Can't wait to check out your mama's blog:) Thanks for the bday wishes!
Wow. What a wonderful help your mom was.
I love the long beaded fringe that she put on her lamp shade. Looks fantastic.
Your mom rocks, Chris. :-)
Your mom is awesome!!! My mom does the same thing when she visits my house. SHe's always keeping busy. And I feel your laundry pain. With 7 people in this house my laundry tumor grows everyday. In fact I have about 4 loads that need folding and I'm blogging. I hate laundry.
Off to go check your cute mom's blog!!
I just got back from your mom's blog. I am sure she will do just fine. She's a sweet lady and your blessed to have her :o)
I'm so excited to go visit her blog!! I'm loving the lamp. I'm popping over there now!!
Oh yeah your Mom rocks! Mine does the same also when she visits....Love the lamp and now sorry I have to run over and meet your Mom.
Thanks sweetheart for inviting your blogging friends to my site. This is so exciting. Your post was a nice way to say thank you! I want everyone to know you are a great daughter and I was happy to help you a little. You are ONE BUSY WOMAN...
Just got back from visiting your moms blog. Love her pumpkin ladies. Now we all know where you get your talent from........
Hugs, B.
Chris your mom is great all that laundry! I went over and visited her and left her a comment!!
have a great day
What a sweet mom you have! I love that lampshade! I am off to visit her blog now!
Quick hello, and I'm off to your Mom's now :).
What a wonderful mom! I have one like that too! It's amazing how helping to put the kids in bed and doing laundry..speaks such "love"!
-Sandy Toes
Your mom is seriously awesome! I'm headed to go check out her blog.
What a sweet Mom. I will go over and check out her blog now!
Your mom ROCKS!
I'm happy you got some quality mom time... On my way to check out her blog now!
What a GREAT mom! Can I borrow her for awhile? Pretty please? I've always wanted a great relationship with my mother and envy anyone who does! You are a lucky girl :)
I'm going to have to challenge you on this one. My mom is still here and I have been working her to the bone. I'm getting ready to post all of the great projects we(she)have (has) completed.
Hooray for moms!
Can I borrow her? I have about 10 beautiful loads of laundry to do. She's welcome to tackle them. :-)
Your mom ROCKS! You lucky gal, you (my mom's a bit of a rock star, too, so I speak from experience. ;-)
My mother would totally do that for me. In fact, she has and she does. We are lucky girls.
Just got back from visiting your mom's blog - its great!! With only 2 of us in the house now with DD away at school (sniff, sniff) my mom doesn't have to fold our laundry, oh no, she's got your mom beat on that one!! She lives next door to us (a blessing and a curse at the same time)!! You know what MY mom did when she came to help DD finish packing for college, because I didn't do a good enough job? She cleaned out the INSIDE of my washing machine!! I'm not kidding - the tub thing, where you put fabric softner, that baby looked brand new!! And, she would never have her own blog - she thinks I'm nuts for putting my pic out there for the whole world to see and THEN complains that my pic is to "grainy and hard to see!!" What? OK, I'm done now, back to you. Your blog is great and so is your mom's - I'll be checking back often.
What a Mom!!!
Moms are the best!
Looks like you and your mom are lucky to have each other!! Her blog looks great!
Aren't moms the best? How fun that you could spend that time with her and she was so great to help you out!!
Off to visit your moms new blog!
You are so lucky to have a mom visit - just in time , by the sound of it! ;)
She looks so sweet and I will be heading right over there Revel in Romance next!
She ROCKS! I just love having my mom close. She is such a help.
Just got back from a visit to your moms blog and it looks fabulous and very homey. She seems precious and I cant wait to see more from her. Doesnt it feel great to be caught up on laundry?? Hope you had a nice weekend!
I was given the "Kreativ Blogger" award today and would like to present it to you. You can come over to my site and pick it up if you'd like. You are truly an inspiration to me!!
Happy Sunday -
Ohhhh! I loved it when I was working and my mom was watching our son. She would do all the laundry, the dishes, the DUSTING!!! It was heaven!
What a nice mom! How cute is that lamp. I love it! I wish I had a Hobby Lobby closer to me. I have to drive an hour and a half to one. Needles to say, I take a long list. I'll check out your mom's blog!
I totally make my mom work when she comes to visit too HAHA.. Mom's are great for that. Mine is comming next Tuesday.. I have summer clothes of the kids to purge and winter to move in.. I am making my list now. by the way My name is Belinda and I found your blog through my friend Leslie's
hallelujah for moms!!!!
Moms are the best! I am always so happy when mine comes to visit. :)
Hmm. I think your mom IS better than my mom!! I'm going to check her out. :o)
Ooh your mom is wonderful. I'm so glad she helped you get through P/T Conferences, etc. What would we do without our mom's through the years?
I'm off to visit your mom's site, then I'm gonna be good and get back to the business at hand. : (
Why can't we just craft and blog all day. : )
Yay, for Mom! That's awesome. What would we do without our moms?
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