Since we're on the theme of seasonal kitchens, I thought I would post about seasonal beds. I've mentioned before that I like to change my bedding--a lot! It's just amazing to me how much some bedding can change the look/decor of the room. I looked EVERYWHERE for this velvet duvet cover. I wanted RED. Not burgundy, not cranberry, but RED. Thank you Ebay.
Anyone have a brown lumbar pillow they wanna throw my way? That'd be nice...
In case you didn't notice, these pictures were ever-so-strategically taken. My room is in desperate need of decorating. Sure, I can decorate a bed like nobody's business, but my walls are a whole other ball game. I found a mirror at Pier 1 that I want for over the bed, but I seemed to have misplaced the $200.00 I need to purchase it.
I love that "brown" it! So pretty!! OH the decorating you could do with that set...go for it girl! You are so creative!
-sandy toe
Love the bed both ways Chris!
I just want to climb in it and watch TV tonight...
We have very similar, if not identical, beds! And now I wish I had both sets of bedding. However, my walls (whenever we get around to remodeling and painting and all that), will most likely be a dark blueish silver (possible with a silver accent wall behind the bed), so I'm not sure if the red would go. However, I LOVE red bedding. It definitely does spice things up!
What a great way to switch it up sometimes. Makes you feel like you got something new.
I love the humor!... but I seemed to have misplaced the $200.00 I need to purchase it!
Love the burgundy...what a great find!!
I have always found great and huge mirrors at a store called TJMaxx. Marshalls is another place I like. Or Ross. All of these are brand name discount stores. I have a mirror over my can see it on my blog in my Christmas mantel decor pics, I paid $75 for it from TJMaxx. Do you have one of these stores? maybe try too.
I love the red and the toile. A. Lot.
You have great taste...I love both!
I really like both sets--the red velvet looks so warm and cozy and the toile...well, I just love toile!! :)
~ Sarah
You have won an award, come by to pick it up. Thanks
Ooh la la... I love the red and love that you love changing up your look! I'm with Sandy and think you could do so much with any look you choose. Sometimes I find really good deals on overstock dot com. Good luck!
Jamie @ Dear Diary...
I vote for a brightly colored throw pillow (in place of the small white one) I think your bed would look fabulous with a punch of color! Blue or teal, perhaps? Looks great!
I envy how you change your bedding for the is something I don't have the courage or patience to do. Both looks are beautiful!
I have found the best selection of inexpensive mirrors at Hobby Lobby. They go 50% off every 2-3 weeks so that is when I buy.
Good luck and have fun decorating your bedroom!
I really like them both. I feel like I am constantly changing out so many other things in my house---I try to do subtle things that my husband wouldn't notice as much. Since the bed is one of his favorite spots (to sleep of course)---he would throw a fit if it was changing. I really would like to have a few options someday though! Love your blog!
Both look sooooooo cozy and cozy is perfect!
I love both beds! Would you change out whatever is on the walls, too?
Great taste! :)
How do you talk your husband into "needing" more bedding? I think my husband would hit the roof.
Chris you are cracking me up and Im nodding my head the whole time Im reading!! Your a hoot girl. I love your blog and humor!
Oooh! I love the red! And the toile! I think I may keep my eyes open for a little something for the bed.
Ahhh I love this idea! I'm sure you have tried this before, but try a second hand shop or even Goodwill for a mirror. I found a huge mirror at Goodwill once for like $6 and it just needed to be painted.
Chris, I love both sets of bedding. It's great to have a neutral backdrop, so the bedding can change on a whim.
Very pretty looks both ways. I love bedding as well. I have to peel myself away from the linen dept. Drapes are another hard thing to pass up. Ok, let's be honest, everything is hard to pass up. HA
So, where do you store all of your bedding? We have a Cal King and our sheet sets alone, take up a ton of room in the linen closet! I wouldn't know what to do with multiple covers and shams!
I LOVE the red velvet! I have a antique light blue velvet cover from pottery barn. Velvet just adds such a nice touch!
i love, love, love both beddings. i also have to work on decorating our bare walls.
That red bedding looks a lot like mine,love it. And the brown is divine! I just know you will find a way to get that mirror dirt cheap like you always do.
Funny soon as I woke up this morning, I laid there, in bed, thinking about what kind of bedding I'm going to buy as soon as that tree out front starts sproutin' some Benjamins.
Then I log on, and see your post.
Like salt in the dang wound woman.
Love the velvet, and toying with toile your choices. :-)
Layla velvet bedding...oh la la is right! It's HARD to find just the right shade of red isn't it? But when you find it....SWEET SUCCESS!
The toile is great too....I LOVE TOILE and isn't it great how it comes in colors now?
Happy New Year from Houston!
Thats it!!! That toile brown spread needs me. Wonder if Ballard still has them. Beautiful!!!! Oh and thank you, Im off to check on Ballard, smile~
I'm obsessive with this same switching business...only with shower curtains!
I love that toile! My grandparents just bought us a new comforter set for Christmas but I, too, need some more throw pillows and a few Euro Shams to complete the look.
Love all your bedding but the absolute favorite!!!
I love changing my beds out too! That toile from Ballard is gorgeous!!
Love the toile...of course I do! You are very funny...I am constantly misplacing hundreds of dollars needed to buy various pieces for the house. darn it all. ;-)
Wow- you change your bedding for seasons and holidays? Wow. I didn't know people did that. I kinda like it. We never really make our bed though- so the beauty would be wasted. sigh.
I'm not ignoring you - I promise. I'm just jealous of all your bedding so I can't say anything nice. And I'm cleaning my basement.
By the way - kitchen #1 was my favorite!
I'm right there with you girl....I love to change the bed around. And who would want fall colors in their bedroom in the spring? Of course you have to change things around. You just have to. I love that red!
Love that red!
Love the red, it's always a fave of mine!
Both are so pretty, but the velvet so romantic! ~Kelly
Seriously? I find ONE bedding cover and stick with it like...forever! Kudos to you-you savy girl you!
I love bedding too, check out this girls bedrooms, you won't be sorry. She is amazing.
I too love red. My sheets are red. I have a white comforter right now...I keep just changing my throw pillows.
Ashley Nichole.
Brown is one of my fav colors so I love your toile bedding! Fun to change it up for different times of the year, too! Neat to see!!!
I love the red one...too inviting and you know what they say about red in the bedroom...makes you in a passionate mood.:)
That toile is gorgeous. Changing your bedding is a great idea. Mimi
I really like the white spread. Switching it up is always fun. Keeps things new and different.
Have a great day!
Don't laugh, but I just nominated you for a Lemonade Award. Check it out over at my homekeeping blog! Catch you later! ;) Oh and that bed is too too much -- in a good way! Romance, seduction, the kids... the dog... You'll have it all!
Oh I wish I could have velvet as beautiful as that! I would have cat hair all over that thing in 10 minutes! Lol! I love how simple it all looks.
Love the red velvet!
I've got to get my act together and start getting a couple of "looks" together for my room! Thanks for the inspirationg.
Drat that extra $200...always getting lost. My sis-in-law is always changing her bedding too, and I love it. I totally will someday soon as I can get organized and find my own lost $$! Nice post! ;)
Where do you store it all and how do you store it?!?!
I love the beds!!
Where do you put your pillows that you sleep on when you make the beds this way?
Wow, you guys have such a big bed...
And your beddings are so pretty. The red velvet is just too gorgeous! And the white one is just as pretty...
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