Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Okay, so working full time and having houseguests for 8 days made the progress quite slow, but they’re finally done!  Let us take one last look at the before…


Nothing to see, really.  Well, plenty of coats and dirty dishes, but nothing aesthetically pleasing.


-$10.00 Craigslist stools.  Not sure how that’s possible?  Check here.  And the grand finale…


I had originally picked out a BEA-U-TI-FUL black and cream pattern, but I quickly learned that it matched the chairs and NOT the kitchen.


So…I scoured some more and found this BEA-U-TI-FUL green/beige damask pattern.


So, here are the barstools that someone paid me $10.00 to take.  Now we have our morning coffee together, we have long talks over a piece of pie, and we flirt back and forth while I make dinner.  Apparently, my barstools like me as much as I like them.


Up next?  My half bath that should have been done days ago.  It took me three coats of paint to realize that I hated the color I bought.  Am I cursed or something?!


Thrifty Decor Chick said...

They look FAB!! Love the color and the fabric. Perfect.

Mandi @ Sweetly Home said...

I wonder what the folks who paid you to take your barstools would think now if they saw them. I'd be like "give them back!" They look wonderful! Love the fabric.

Anonymous said...

They look fantastic!!! I have never commented, I get all internet shy. I have been following your blog and everything is always amazing. I am still in awww over the dresser, turned into storage with the baskets. Love it.

Anonymous said...

They look beautiful! ~Kelly

Anonymous said...

Love them! That fabric is absolutely gorgeous!

southerninspiration said...

Oh those are so wonderful and PERFECT for that spot! What a deal!


To The Moon and Back said...

Those look amazing! Like brand new. Love the fabric too.

julie & joe said...

I LOVE the bar stools! They turned out great and what a deal to get paid to have them :)

Unknown said...

LOVE THAT FABRIC! The stools turned out great, congrats on a job well done!

Rachelle said...

Whoa I'd be soo mad if I were the previous owner! So much potential they just didn't see! Love em.. obviously. :)

Freckles Chick said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!! You had me at "damask".... =o)

Fantastic work! The fabric just pops against the new black color. Simply stunning.

Lisa said...

What a great deal! They look beautiful. Love the fabric.

Amber Filkins said...

They look GREAT! Love em! Love that fabric, love it all.

And seriously, I didn't see any dirty dishes ANYWHERE. Really.

Love your floors.

Katrina said...

PERFECT! Suits u wonderfully!

phillips phamily said...

Wonderful inspiration! I have a large island begging for some stools like those. So many projects, so little time!

Hillcrest Acres said...

Love the barstools!!!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous...made a great difference!

JHalmes said...

Fantastic! And who said patience isn't a virtue?

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

Can you tell me what type of paint you used? Was it spray paint? I have some furniture I want to experiment with, but I wasn't sure what type of paint to use. Love that black and the damask fabric is beautiful!!! Love & blessings from NC!

Courtney said...

The barstools look great!

Unknown said...

Love the barstools!

pink and green mama MaryLea said...

A-Dorable!!! Great job! :)

Girl with the Curlz said...

Adorable!! I love them. Great job.


Vivienne @ the V Spot said...

Those are absolutely fantastic. And I still think the best part is that you were basically paid to take them.
High five!

Magic Brush said...

What color did you use in your bathroom?????????????? Would love to know why you don't like it!

Envious of the stools... I want 3 new ones. Search Craigslist all the time.... strike outs.

Carmen @ Life with Sprinkles on Top said...

Love them!!!

I have the same problem with paint. I work so hard painting then I spend weeks looking at it and thinking "I'm not sure I like this color anymore".

Jodee said...

Those turned out sooooo cute! I love the fabric too!

Katy said...

Wonderful job on the barstools!!

Willow Decor said...

They look great! Awesome job!

Betsy said...

Wish someone would pay me to take their barstools. Lucky you..lucky barstools.

Carrie said...

So pretty! you are definitely talented! I love the fabric you picked! I wish I had the patience to be such a bargain hunter! Your house is beautiful!

Tami (Pixeltrash) said...

Someone paid you to take them? That's awesome! I want to come and sit on them and have coffee!
They look awesome!

Nancy Hood said...

yay Chris!! love your blog! love your ideas! love knowing you!!

Brittany said...

Wow, they look great Chris! Good job!

Leigh said...

They look so good! Following your blog makes me so sad that I gave away some furniture when we moved that had such potential. If only I had known about blogging then!

Stacia Howard said...

WOW! They turned out great! Awesome fabric & I love the color! Totally fab!

Linda@ Lime in the Coconut said...

Lovely, Girl! Nice re-do!

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

Seriously, Chris - Love your bar stools, love your creativity, love your blog. Check it daily. And you are, as I've said before, one of the funniest writers. Congrats on your blogerversary!

Shell in your Pocket said...

Looks wonderful!
sandy toe

Hello said...

wow! they look great. love the fabric

Lettered Cottage said...

I LOVE THEM! You did a great job, and they're perfect!

The Lettered Cottage

Hopeful Housewife said...

They look wonderful! Can you come do my house next!

Anonymous said...

They are gorgeous! Great fabric choice too. I told hubbs about your mad Craigs List skills and he said, "Yep...she's good." He's so addicted to that site. Can't wait to see bathroom pics.


Mandi Shandi said...

LOVE the black and great choice on the fabric. Way to go!

Melia said...

I love the way your barstools turned out!! That fabric looks great against the black paint.

Wendy said...

Beautiful! Love the fabric

Farmgirl Paints said...

I'm lovin' the barstools. You did a great job. And I completely understand the paint curse. I think I've painted almost every room in our house at least 2 times and we've only been here 5 years.

Shannon said...

They look great!!!!! I love the fabric!

Girly Stuff said...

They turned out great!

Carry Grace said...

The barstools look amazing, and I still can't believe the deal you got on them.

Kristen said...

Oohh! I like them a lot!! Watch the flirting with the chairs - that can lead to other things and if your husband ever found out...well...since the ammo is labeled in the closet he knows right where to go.

Can't wait to see your 1/2 bath. I am making a tooth fairy pillow today..that is the extent of the craftiness around here!

High-Heeled Foot in the door said...

Just beautiful! They looks amazing. I'm sorta new to your blog so I can't wait to read up and find out how someone paid you 10 bucks for them!

Laurel @ Ducks in a Row said...

Seriously - what can I say that others haven't? They're awesome, but you already know that. They're a steal, but you already know that. You have great taste - hope you know that!!

queenbee said...

These look wonderful. I am still in awe that you got such a great deal. I love the fabric!!!!

Unknown said...

I LOVE that kind of a deal. Your new bar stools look smashing. Great Job!

Melissa Miller said...

Lovely job!

You have a gorgeous kitchen. ;)

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Chris, they look fabulous! What a steal on Craigslist & the fabric is perfect in t here. I'm adding this to my Tumblr page so others can see it.

Ashley said...

Beautiful job - of course!!

Mary-Catherine said...

Those look awesome!

Unknown said...

Fabulous chairs and love that fabric. Great job! We have been in our home TEN years and still need proper barstools for our breakfast counter.

Jennie said...

what a great job, they look great... now hop on over to my blog and get a present that I have waiting for you....

Jo said...

Love, love, love them! Can you come to my house and do the same magic? : }


Anonymous said...

your chairs look GREAT! I myself just refinished our old kitchen set and painted it black too. I would love to hear your painting process, as we heard different ways of doing it before we ended up with a decision. you can check my project out on blog.

Megan said...


Congrats on being Featured at SITS today!! =)

Molly said...

Hello from SITS! Love the blog!

theUngourmet said...

The chairs turned out beautifully!
Cute blog you have here! Happy SITS day to you!:0)

Lisa Petrarca said...

I love seeing how talented people are able to transform things! Congrats on your SITS day!!

MaryRC said...

will you please help me paint my table, im totally addicted to painting furniture, will you be my friend?

stopped by via sits... congrats on your feature!!

Brandie said...

looks great :)

Mrs. Jelly Belly said...

They PAID you to take them? If they could see them now, they'd be kicking themselves for sure; they're beautiful!

Happy SITS Day - enjoy it!

Tiger said...

Love the chairs and goes perfect in the kitchen :)

Happy SITS day :)

Michelle C said...

Those look GREAT!

Found you through SITS :)

Turtles In Northern Florida said...

Absolutely gorgeous chairs.Awesome score on Craigs list! happy SITS day.

cat said...

Oh this looks stunning! Happy SITS day from South Africa.

Mary-Catherine said...

Hey, Happy SITS day!! So cool that you were featured!

Kas said...

My dream is to become a high school English teacher. :)

I love your blog. Before and After photos are sort of like a fetish of mine.

I'll be following you. But not in the "duck-tape-rope-gag cloth" type of way.

Hi from SITS!

April said...

Happy SITS Day! I love the color and the fabric on your barstools...perfect combination! Your kitchen is gorgeous!

beth said...

happy sits day! the barstools are great and your blog is so pretty!

mommakin said...

Stopping over from SITS - your blog is beautiful! I so wish I could have that much ambition... I think I'm gonna subscribe so I can at least get the inspiration...

Queenie Jeannie said...

Over from SITS....

Those look incredible!! Great job!

I hope you enjoyed your featured day!! Enjoy every moment of bloggy goodness & love!!!!!

Unknown said...

Great job...and I love your blog! Enjoy being saucy today!!

RebeccaMom said...

looks gorgeous! I hope you have a great SITS day :)

Knit Purl Gurl said...

The stools are amazing! Congrats on your SITS feature - I absolutely adore your blog! :)

M.A. said...

Those look awesome! Happy SITS day! :)

It's Always Something Around Here said...

Love how they came out!

Happy SITS day!

Mandi Shandi said...

Congrats on being featured on SITS. You deserve it!

Unknown said...

those are beautiful chairs!

Congrats on being the SITSter of the day!!

Unknown said...

Happy SITS day!

Dawn said...

The bar stools look awesome! Great job!

Congrats on being featured today on SITS! I was so excited to see you were the star today, cause I LOVE your blog!

Hugs from Eventually Cottage!

Maggi said...

Those chairs turned out great! Happy SITS!

Lesley said...

wow...fantastic...great find...so glad to see you are the FB today over at SITS

Rebekah said...

Stopping by from SITS!! Love the bar stools, the look great!

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

At my house the damask would have syrup and ketchup on it!!
Happy SITS day!

When Pigs Fly said...

Congrats on being the featured blogger. Love the barstools and your kitchen!

Dee said...

They look great!!! I wish I had some vision!! :)

Congrats on being featured..your blog looks amazing!

Jen said...

I am here from SITS! Congrats on being today's featured blogger!! Those bar stools are AMAZING and I can't they PAID YOU! How cool is that?

Enjoy your day! You have such cute blog! I'll definitely be back!


Wendy Paine Miller said...

I am impressed! Stylish!
~ Wendy

Regina Moore said...

These are gorgeous! Congrats on your SITS feature!

Anonymous said...

They turned out beautifully! The whole room looks fabulous. Happy SITS day!

tammy said...

Congratulations on being the featured blogger today. I am in love with your blog!! :)

Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

Your bar stolls look great! What a bargain too!

Happy SITS Day!

Megan said...

Wow, those are amazing, I'm in awe!

DawnS said...

Wow those look so great! Congrats on being FB on SITS today!

Jingle said...

Those are beautiful!!! Congrats on your SITS feature today! You have a wonderful blog!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on being the SITS blogger today. Love the stools, they look very nice.

The Joynes Girls said...

I love it! You did a great job. One of these days I'll try a project like this.

The Stylish House said...

Hi Chris,
This is my first visit to your wonderful blog! I am a new SITS and happy to have found you. Love the spiffy new barstools.

Mary | Deep South Dish said...

Love them - they look fantastic!

Happy SITS Day!


Heather @ Simple Wives said...

Those look great! :)

Congrats on the SITS feature!

Mama King said...

They look great! Happy SITs day!

Ginger said...

Love it! They look fabulous, and so does your blog. Happy SITS Day, my dear!

Unknown said...

Stopping by from SITS, congrats on being the featured blogger!
Those bar stools are amazing, what a deal!

Leslie said...

I believe we are kindred spirits! I, too, was on a quest for barstools THAT SWIVEL. After 18 months of looking for a deal, I found two for $24.00! Not quite your deal, but still great. I'm painting them black!!!!

yours truly... said...

WHAT A STEAL!!!!! oh my!!! I LOVE them!! you rocked it girl, awesome job!!

Jennie said...

what a derserving person to be picked the blog of the day.... you know I love you and I think you rock... congrats....

The Mathews Family said...

love the blog....added your button!

Dawnll said...

Congrats on being Featured at SITS today!! Your home is beautiful.

Jennifer said...

Those look awesome! You did a great job.

Popping in from SITS!

Anonymous said...

The kitchen is so pretty!!! Nice job on the chairs... and happy SITS day!!!!

RamblingMother said...

congrats on your SITS day.

Lacie @ Creative Attempts said...

Your blog is so fun and I have told you before that you are so talented. Happy SITS day!

AiringMyLaundry said...

Wow, they look fantastic!!

Happy SITS day!

Mimi Head said...

They look great! You did a wonderful job and the fabric is a good choice.

Sarahviz said...

Enjoy your SITS day! Your craftiness is inspiring!

Julie said...

Love the barstools, love the blog! Congrats on your SITS day!

It's so much fun to make things look different than they're meant to be, it's one of my fav things to do.

Momma-of-5 said...

So I came by today via SITS and I have to say, I'm hooked! I love all your little tips and tricks. Your crafts and ideas...you make it all look so easy, yet you admit when it's hard! Thanks for adding another stop on my addiction cruise each night!

(btw-the barstools look fab!)

Unknown said...

I can't believe someone paid you to take those! That is fantastic and they look wonderful now.

Paige said...

Hey! Stopping by from SITS...I absolutely LOVE Craigslist! We got a futon from a seller on Craigslist just last week, actually. :)

Love what you did with the barstools! The fabric is perfect!

Reeni said...

Came to say hi from SITS. You did a terrific job with the stools!

iheartbowheads.blogspot.com said...


Anonymous said...

Happy SITS Day!

Your kitchen is lovely!!

jori-o said...

Okay, I'm hooked. I'll be back...and have a happy SAUCY day!

Carla said...

WOW! Loving the black make over!
You have a lovely kitchen:)

Because of Love said...

Stopping over from SITS. Very cute blog!!! Love your decorating style!!!

Anonymous said...

These look awesome!!

Also, congrats on your SITS feature today!

Michelle said...

They looked ok before, but I really really like them now.

Swinging by from SITS to wish you a happy FB day. Yay for you!!

Green said...

It all looks very nice

Teach.Workout.Love said...

WOW those look amazing!!!!!

Unknown said...

They look fabulous! I'd love to be able to create something like that!

Shelley said...

Love those stools. Congratulations on being featured on SITS. Hope you get lots of saucy love.

McBee said...

I LOVE your blog! I a huge craft junky-I can't believe someone paid YOU to take those chairs!

Miranda said...

I think you did a WONDERFUL job on the stools. I wish I had white cabinets. I have blah wood ones.

Christina - Rant Rave Roll said...

Holy Cow! Someone paid you to take their stools! You can't beat that! Happy SITS day!

Mama-Face said...

WOW! I too love that fabric, so classy. Your blog is beautiful too.

Happy SITS day!

Anonymous said...

Whoa those chairs are hot! Maybe you could do an upholstering tutorial? That's just wishful thinking because I know you are also a busy mom as myself. Love your site and since my days and weeks are all messed up since moving this month and I'm catching up on about 100 old email messages I will still say congrats on your sits day sistah!

My best, Lynn

Helene said...

Okay, let me just pick my jaw up off the floor now. All I can say is wow!!! I can't believe someone paid you to take those chairs and look at how beautifully you transformed them! I wish I had your talent and creativity!!

Anonymous said...

OMWow!!! I am loving your blog. Ok, so now I am officially following your blog :) I love the barstools. I want a mudroom like that also, but we would have to build a new house to accomodate the mudroom LOL. Congrats on being featured. Very Well Deserved!!!
Blessings~~~ Danielle

Heather said...

Thet turned out beautiful!

Robin said...

Congratulations on your being the featured blog on SITS.
I hope your day is most beautiful.

Oh....and the stools turned out great.

Brandi said...

I LOVE your kitchen and the barstools look great.

Jessica said...

Those look amazing! You are so crafty! I can't wait to dive deeper into your blog and see your past posts and get some ideas!

Karie said...

Oooo... LOVE! I just bought a new house so I'm in FULL decorate mode. I'm obsessed!

Brooke said...

visiting from sits - wow, impressive work! :)

Unknown said...

Love the barstools! I can't believe you were paid to buy them!! That's awesome =)

A Mommy in Jeans and High Heels said...

The bar stools are beautiful! You did a wonderful job!

Morgan said...

The barstools are FABULOUS!!

LWLH said...

They look great...love the fabric! : )

Anna said...

Those chairs are gorgeous!!!

windi said...

I love craigslist! You did such a great job. I love your blog as well, so pretty. Congrats on being the FB! That is great!

AP Mommy said...

WOW That's awesome! I wish I had that talent. :) Also I've decided I want your house.

Kelly K said...

Love the bar stools! They look awesome and even better in black! Blessings, Kelly

Steph at Problem Solvin' Mom said...

Fabulous! Congrats on your wonderful new seating area and your special day :)

Pseudo said...

I'm over from SITS, a day late... Love your kitchen and great job on the bar stools.

SoBella Creations said...

You did a fab job!

Connie said...

Dang it! I leave for a week and look what happens ~ your SITS day, you make fab stools and show us your kitchen! ;)

Anna said...

What a great job. I love the fabric. You continue to inspire.

Buzzings of a Queen Bee! said...

Oh yeah girl! These look amazing! Even yet another reason to love Craig's List!

Chasing Dreams Photography said...

They look awesome!!!

Joanna said...

I really love the colors and how you took something cute and made it even cuter (and made some money while you were at it).

Jacey Autumn Photography said...

that is a gorgeous print on your barstool! where did you find it??? i must have some!

Lovely Little Nest said...

Ahhh these are gorgeous!

Sidenote: I have the exact same problem when it comes to painting the walls. I NEVER like the paint I choose! It's always too dark, too light, too bright, etc.

I won a free "room of paint" from Katie over at allbowerpower, but it's taking me FOR-E-VER to decide on a paint color because I'm afraid I'm doomed to hate whatever I choose! :p

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