Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Wall Pocket

Everytime I say that, I sing it like “Hot Pockets”.  You do too, right?  Maybe not.  Well, I picked up this little do-hicky at Salvation Army a couple of weeks ago.  I’ve been looking for something like this since last fall, but I could never find what I was looking for.


Right now you’re thinking, “Uh…that’s what she was looking for?”  It was $1.99, and it had the clean lines I wanted.  Plus, it looks great sitting on my washing machine. 


I went to my local craft-booking store and bought some labels.  These are the ones I did not use.  The ones I went with were white with iridescent glitter all over them.  I, of course, forgot to take a picture of them.  They were only $2.00, though.  .1 cent more than the wall pocket cost, mind you.


I used the paint I had from my mudroom cabinets because I like it all matchy matchy.  Well, that and it was free.


I simply spray painted the tags from white with glitter to stone—with no glitter.  I typed out my kids’ names on some paper, glued the tags on, and stuck the paper inside.  Voila!


Conveniently placed at the back door, I will continue to misplace their school papers anyway no longer misplace any important papers or library books during the school year.


Not bad for $3.99, eh?


Jenny said...

Love this! Now only if I could find something like that - looks better than the ones Ballard sells. PS: Now I have that jingle in my head ;)

southerninspiration said...

Cool idea!! perfect for 3.99!!!


Janene said...

I wonder if I can find one with 8 pockets in them?
Maybe I will just have to settle for 4 with 2 pockets.
What a fantastic idea though! I will definately have to keep a lookout for these now.

Karen said...

You kill are so awesome!


~ Lisa @ AbidingThere~ said...

Where's mine?? How come you never make ME anything??! heehee :)

Tammy said...

Love it -anything organizational is good. Like right now if I had that I wouldn't have lost my decals I am looking for- arrrghhh


Courtney said...

Love this! Great idea!

Unknown said...

LOVE YOUR fnds and IDEAS! it turned out so cute, way to go mom! I need to do a chalk board and paper holding board... THANKS for sharing!

Laurel said...

Not bad? Pretty smart I'd say. Love the clean lines and the simplicity of it. Love every project you do and I wish I could shop with you at your GW. You find the best stuff!

jamie said...

I love it! What a great project. I love the personalized labels!

Astrid in Bristling Acres said...

Hmmmm....Now I'm going to have to be on the look out for that at our thrift stores! Awesome makeover! Wayyyyyy better than any of the new stuff you can buy for $$$$$$$$$!!!!!

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

Excellent! Love the project and it looks totally different with your paint and tags.

Unknown said...

You have inspired me. I am serious. Nice work.

Amy Bennett said...

Love that!

You come up with the best projects!

Denissa said...

I love it! I need to start thrifting regularly!

Laurel @ Ducks in a Row said...

not bad at all - love this!

dotti white said...

This is great! It really helps kids to have a place for their stuff and it helps us when it looks all matchy-matchy and cute! Awesome job!

Anonymous said...

love this idea!

Anonymous said...

That is so cute! I love reading your blog. You have such a wonderful sense of humor. I have a permanent smile on my face while reading your posts. :)

Stacie said...

We used to have something similar in my office and every time my assistant would use it, she would sing the Hot Pockets song, too! Super cute!

arkie said...

Love the trash to treasure!

Tracey said...

Great job! I love the color and the way you labeled them. I've been looking for a wall pocket too, and your right,,HOT POCKETS,, it just comes out, for my daughter going to college. They are harder to find then I imagined! Thanks for the inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Great idea. As a retired teacher, I wish the parents of some of my students had been so organized. Good job!


Paula said...

Great idea! You have such an amazing eye for these things :)

christy said...

Awesome! Love the way it turned out, now I iwll be scouring my thrift stores. :)

Emily Anne Leyland said...

Holy crap!! You are the coolest ;-)

Desiree said...

That's awesome! I wish I could find as good of stuff as you do at our Goodwill/Salvation Army but I'm not so lucky :-(

Thanks for sharing!


Kayleen said...

OHH lucky you. This a great find. I have my eye out for this kind of thing always. . . but no luck for me lately. Great idea

Shauna said...

What a great idea. I need to go find me some wall pockets. Oh, btw, I didn't say it like Hot Pocket, but now I forever will. It's stuck in my

Anonymous said...

ok...first I have that Hot Pockets in my head...Second...GREAT idea...cute and cheap, Me Likey...

Decor To Adore said...

This looks great! The pb catalog would charge like $40 for it. Well done.

I made a customized typography basket to contain my sons library books in the hopes of no more tears. Come by.

foxy said...

I must confess, I am a constant LURKER 'round these parts... but I just wanted to tell you that 1) you have the best design/craft ideas of anyone I've seen, 2) you have an uncanny ability to spot a diamond in the rough when it comes to thrift stores, and 3) you get better bargains than anyone I know.

Thanks for sharing all your great ideas and finds!!

ashley morgan said...

Love it! I've been looking for something similar, but no luck yet.

Rachelle said...

Yes. Yes. Very lovely. It reminds me how ready I am for school to start up again..

Probably how NOT ready you are huh?

Jill@Barnes Yard said...

Ok, totally love it! You are the Queen of the quicky, functional and cute projects!

To The Moon and Back said...

Love this idea! Now if I could find something similar and had a rockin' mudroom like yours to hang it in!

Girl with the Curlz said...

You find the most amazing things and make them look so cute. Love it!!

Kristi said...

You are awesome!

Mandy said...

I feel like Wayne & Garth at an Aerosmith concert...

not worthy!!!


You're awesome!

Carmen @ Life with Sprinkles on Top said...

Awesomeness! That's exactly what I need for my kids' papers!!!

Jamie said...

Yikes! It looks amazing! Great idea!

Anonymous said...

Your talent of turning "trash" to treasure honestly amazes me. It is a talent to be proud of.

We have several thrifty type stores in our town. Inspired by your makeovers I perused one of these shops the other day - the only thing I left with was the heebie jeebies.

*sigh* Someday I'll find that magic thrift store with all the "good stuff". In the meantime I'll continue to stalk your blog and drool on my keyboard dreaming of what could be.

Amy said...

I LOVE it! Such a clever idea.
Thanks for sharing.

~Mommy+Me~ said...

LOVE IT! You have such great ideas. I need some of your "vision" and creativity. :)

Unknown said...

Yes, it looks great! I love the clean lines too.
I have a Jackson too;)

Unknown said...

Perfect. There will be crowds at Thrift stores all across North America while we search for something similar to work some magic on. You come up with so many great ideas. You have VISION!

Kristen said...

Next time find one for my house - I need one with 3. Hurry it up lady - I'm a stack of papers mess around here.

Kimberly Wright said...

Wow! That looks fantastic. Potterybarnish for sure. Great find!

Domestic Engineer said...

What a transformation! I was at the thrift store volunteering today and saw stuff similar but did not have the vision you had. Lucky you.

Unknown said...

LOVE IT! I've been looking for something like that to improve my miserable organizational skills too! not that your skills are miserable or anything, I totally meant just me...:)

Kristi said...

I normally read and don't comment, but I said...hey...why not?! I love that idea. I do not have kiddos, but I DO have a mail sorter. If I didn't have one of these I would be major jealous of yours and have to find one just like it so I could make one too. Mine would say something to the sound of..."PAY" and "SEND" or just simply "MAIL". :)

the undomesticated wife said...

Very clever sister friend!!

Jodee said...

Wow! You are giving Pottery Barn a run for its money nowadays! This turned out sooo cute!

Shell in your Pocket said...

That is just wonderful..amazing!

I would pass that up and never think twice...
sandy toe

Katrina said...

Looks great. But like you, I will still misplace things, no matter how organised I try an be! Haha.

E said...

I love it! I want one so bad now.

Amanda@Imperfectly Beautiful said...

Oh yes...pure love! It looks like absolute perfection now. I have 2 of these for my kids and I STILL lose their school stuff ALL.THE.TIME.


Stephanie said...

What a great transformation. I wouldn't have even given that a second glance at the thrift store. But just look at it now! Great choice of hardware too.

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

Looks like you spent $60 on it at Pottery Barn! Great job! :) Visiting from Kimba's party. :)

Cheryl @ a pretty cool life. said...

Looks super!

Stopping by from Kimba's...

Heidi said...


Tales From My Empty Nest said...

This turned out great!! Love it!!! Hope this will help with organization. Love & blessings from NC!

Joy said...

What a pretty and practical project!

Heathahlee said...

That turned out great! My problem would be not wanting to fill it up with stuff because it's too pretty! : )

The Beauty Bargainista said...

wow, I LOVE this project...good will here I come! :)

Leanne said...

I love it! Looks great and what a great price. Good goal-to stay organized this school year.

Kitty Scraps said...

Now I know what to do with all my MM metal *smiles* This is awesome, great job!

Anonymous said...

Thank you...I will now be singing "Hot Pockets" all weekend! your idea!

Jaime @ A Place Out West said...

I love it! Now we'll all be out scouring the thrift stores and garage sales for the same thing.

LWLH said...

You ae on e cafty mama...I love you blog! : )

Tiffany said...

Looks fantastic! I don't think I have the gene that lets me see what a thing will look like sanded and painted, but when I saw the finished project I thought, "Oh yeah, now I get it!"

Nice work!

Unknown said...

That is awesome, very cool!

queenbee said...

AWESOME, Looks like it came from Pottery Barn. You are sooo talented.

Robin Johnson said...

Nice Job! I have always love wall pockets and your version is very Pottery Barn'ish. Wonderful

Cyndi said...

Sooo this idea!!

Mrs. McB said...

Great idea! I love it!!

Kristin said...

That is such a great idea. I love how it turned out. I wish that I could look at things that started off at goodwill and know what it could look like.

Mandi @ Sweetly Home said...

This looks like it could have come from Pottery Barn. What paint did you use?

Pink Stitches said...

Love, love, love it!!
I have something similar but it is a flimsy cardboard thing from Ikea - will be on the lookout in Charity shops now! :o)

Kathy C. said...

That's an impressive overhaul - very nice!

Anonymous said...

This is a great idea. And it is so pretty too. I wish I had seen this those many years ago when we were trying to keep track of our boys' school projects and permission slips and supplies. Very great idea!

Sonya said...

Wow, this turned out great. Creative and very professional looking. I'd pay $20 for it! Very nice blog too.

Elle Jay Bee said...

Every time I come here I get a good laugh and a great idea! I guess that's why I love it here!!


Anonymous said...

Seriously...$4 bucks...there's NO WAY this could have gone wrong...It looks great!!

Nancy said...

Organization! Plus it looks great and dirt cheap! That's the teacher in you! I have 4 more weeks and then I start back. Nancy from OHIO

Amanda said...

that rocks! i'm so jealous.

carriecaribou said...

Love it! And I'm so excited to see the label holders! I've been looking for those for a looong time, but kept thinking they were called label frames, so now hopefully I can find some! Especially because I see the brand of the ones you got! Thanks!

cupcake studio said...

This is a GREAT it!

Pauline said...

That is great. I am with Janene, I need one with 6 pockets (4 kids and mom and dad). I can't WAIT till my Goodwill opens up. They are still building. But I can't wait to see what good find's will be finding there:) And it just around the corner. Honestly, I am not much of a thrift shopper but you are turning me into one. GREAT FINDS!! I want one of those flat files. That is REALLY cool.
Thanks for inspiring me. I didn't know you could all that stuff with SPRAYPAINT!

UPrinting said...

That's wonderful! And all for under 5 bucks too. Love how you kept it simple and matching :) These wall pockets are a great way to keep one's papers, documents, and letters organized, perfect!

Jodi Nelson said...

Way cute !!!

Jessica said...

This is a really great idea! It turned out great!!

Dawn said...

Love it! Darn! Now I've got to add this to the list of things I need to look for!!!

Kim said...

Very cute! And you're right, it looked awesome on your washer! Love, love, love your blog!

LoriLyn said...

Not bad at all! I think it's fabulous!

Sarah J. said...

That is such a good idea! I hope you don't mind if I feature it?


The Little Red Shop said...

I love wall pockets and have been looking (in my own storage) for just the perfect one for a spot in my kitchen. You did such a sweet job with yours!!! Love it! Isn't it amazing what a couple of coats of paint can do!

: )

Julie M.

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